Temper and not getting what she wants
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005:
Temper and not getting what she wants
In the last week or so Natalie has really let her temper show when it comes to toys or 'items' she wants. Like all of a sudden "this" or "that" is hers only, and if someone takes it (to play with it or show her something about it) she blows up! She is an only child at this point, and only has a few weekly activities with other children. This is really just happening with me and dh and not other kids, at least not yet. When this happens, we are not automatically giving her back the toy when she throws a fit. We try to explain to her that we are helping, and try re-direction,but she just gets so mad that she gets worked up and has to calm down first. We're trying to emphasize "share" and taking turns. I know this is normal for this age but not always sure what to do. I don't want her to think that when she throws a fit she gets her way by any means. Up until now we've ignored any fits (which are pretty rare)and they last just briefly (maybe 2 minutes at the most). But now she just seems to get so mad, grabbing for the toy, screaming, and sometimes hitting. Dh and I are both known for having a temper, so I know she gets it honest, but I want to help her to control her anger at an earlier age than I did. Any suggestions?
Hey Deanna, We are in the midst of the same thing these days. Matthew is fairly easy to distract so that's our tactic. Here is an article I found helpful: Temper Tantrums
Thanks for the article Heaventree! It is helpful and a good reminder that this is "normal". DH is reading it tonight. Thanks!
No problem, it made me realize that I was not spending enough quality time with Matthew during the day and that he was acting out to get my attention. I was focusing too much on Cameron and once I had Cameron all content and sleeping I felt like I needed time for myself, but Matthew needed attention more than I needed time for me. My time is after 8 pm when they are both snuggled into their beds. It's a great website.