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Why don't baby clothes come in one color...

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005: Why don't baby clothes come in one color...
By Clarabel on Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 12:46 am:

..mustard yellow!

How do you get those poop stains out ?
I've been using cold water and Tom's toothpaste for a pre-wash.Any suggestions?

By Kittycat_26 on Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 07:44 am:

Clorox II took just about every baby stain I had. Of course, it took a lot of pre-soaking but I still saved alot of clothes with it.

By Heaventree on Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 10:00 am:

Well Hello!

Welcome back, would love to hear an update, how was your delivery? How have you been managing these past 3 months?

Re: poop stains, do not let them dry if possible, rinse in cold water as soon as possible.

If you want an enviro friendly and more chemcial free approach contact Melaleuca, their products are safe and unlike other enviro friendly products they actually work. They have a wonderful sent free detergent for clothes and a spot remover. Their products are very gentle so you don't need one product for your clothes and another for the baby so you can wash all your clothes together. They are a bit more costly however, they last much longer you really only need a small amount.

Good luck!

By Heaventree on Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 10:44 am:

Another thought, why are you getting poop stains on baby's clothing?

Maybe go up a size in diapers, change brands or try tucking the top of the diaper in before doing it up (back and front) and try tucking the elastic at the legs in as well. This will help keep things contained.

We were using Huggies at first so we switched to Pampers Swaddlers, but the thing that worked the best was one size up in diapers and the tucking. Cameron is 3 months old today and has been wearing size 3 at night and size 2 during the day, but will switch to size 3 full time as soon as we have used up all the size 2.

Hope that helps.

By Rayanne on Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 11:06 am:

I have always used Zout. It comes in a spray bottle. You spray it on, rub it out, wash it out, and then wash the clothes. It works for everything, even things that i forgot to take out and washed already, it will still work. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

By Cybermommyx4 on Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 11:34 am:

Zout works great, but when it doesn't (and if the item is pastel-colored) take a little bit of dishwasher detergent (not dish liquid, but the kind that goes in the automatic dishwasher i.e. cascade, etc.) and rub in on with a toothbrush. Don't let it sit for too long! Rinse with cold water. I saved a LOT of baby clothes this way! This *can* have a bleaching property to it, so be very careful how long you leave it on. Good luck with the stain (after baby poop stains, comes toddler and pre-school stains, and when they're teenagers - watch out! Field Hockey mud is a killer, lol!) :)

By Clarabel on Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 01:28 pm:

Thanks, great suggestions.

Pampers are such a guilty pleasure.They really don't leak as much as the others.
I'll try the tucking and the Casade,(since I already have some).
It's really not a huge problem, just thought it would be a funny way to sneak back in here after so long.I'll post an update.:)

By Amecmom on Thursday, December 1, 2005 - 02:19 pm:

Shout! or Shout Action Gel. I've never had a stain Shout could't get out.

Spray right away, rinse in cold water, then spray again and wash in the regular wash.

Glad to see you back.

By Ginny~moderator on Friday, December 2, 2005 - 05:54 am:

Someone here recommended Zout when I got a black magic maker blob on a brand new white sweater, and it worked like a charm.

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