Follow up on my little man
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005:
Follow up on my little man
Robin had his first follow up today for his ear surgery last week. So far, so good. The doc took the gauze out (I told him he really should warn parents to look away--GROSS!!! lol) and prescribed ear drops for a week. We go back January 5th for another follow up and a hearing test. So far it looks like it worked. We made it there without getting lost, considering all I had was the street address. I didn't even know what the place was called! I didn't know if it was a medical building, a doctor's office or what. Turns out it was an annex of Children's Hospital and thankfully was super easy to find. We got there an hour early (before the doc and nurses!) so we checked in and then went to Wendy's for lunch. Robin's happy to have the gauze out and be able to hear again normally (without an ear stuffed full of something). He's not happy about the ear drops, but oh well. So I guess we'll keep our fingers crossed until January 5th.
Glad Robin is feeling better. Keep us posted, Cat.
Glad he is on the mend.
Glad he is feeling better!
Great news, Cat!!!
That's great news Cat !!!!
How's he doing today?