I found iron in the most amazing place...
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005:
I found iron in the most amazing place...
My aunt, who is a doctor, told me that DS was having too much dairy and not enough iron. (Not a meat eater yet, as some of you are aware.) She said that this could be causing his "speech delay". So, low and behold, I find that YoBaby stuff that has added cereal and iron!! Yeah!! It has 45% of your daily allowance, so that made me feel so good since yogurt is a staple here. He gets some protein in his cheese and tiger power cereal and every lunch, he'll eat a few chunks of his soy-based chicken. So, I'm a bit more relieved. Now, I have to call my aunt and make sure that's ok! LOL!! We worry a lot, us mothers, no?
Yo Baby is and was a staple here! Good Stuff!
Natalie loves yo baby more than regular yogurt, plus it's better for her. Problem is, I can't always find it in different flavors here, or if I do it's nearly outdated. She doesn't care for the banana and vanilla, but likes the others. We just can't always find them.
you can get coupons to stonyfield's if u go to their website and sign up. I read about it in one of the parent magazines. http://www.stonyfield.com i just subscribed today so i'm not sure how good they are. i'll let you know. DD loves her yogurts too!
The coupons are great and they have lots of yummy recipes too!
Freedom eats yo baby almost everyday.He loves it.We started buying the drinkable kind too because he is really enjoying straws right now, and it's less drippy. A good source of iron is also raisins.We buy the little snack boxes of organic raisins and take them everywhere.