Suggestions for backpack carriers?
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005:
Suggestions for backpack carriers?
We're considering going to a backpack carrier for hiking and walks (Natalie doesn't want to use the jogging stroller much anymore). We've loved our Baby Bjorn carrier, but even though she hasn't met the weight limit, it's getting uncomfortable to carry her in it. I haven't done much research on backapck carriers yet...wanted to check with you guys first!! Any recommendations, suggestions, experiences? I also have no idea what the weight/height limits are on backpacks, so if anyone has a general idea that would be great. Thanka alot! Much appreciated!
Hey Deanna, We have a backpack, but we can only go about a mile before it starts to really hurt our backs!! Connor's 23.5 lbs and I think it goes up to 27 lbs? Not sure. Have you tried food/drinks in the stroller? Connor will go for 4-5 miles and only need a sippy, but it's only a matter of time before he's going to need one of these... Snack Holder My neighbor runs each morning and I see her 2 yr old with it in his stroller. I could see Connor not wanting the leave the stroller if he had one!! LOL Oh, and if you decide to get a backpack, I would get a used one. We got ours on Craigslist
Thanks Heidi - We were looking at backpacks rated to 40lbs. Like all-terrain, long distance models. When we go out hiking as a family, we always have the dogs and she rides in the Baby Bjorn with Dh. It's still fine for him, but starting to be a little much. We want to continue to hike together, with the dogs, and have dh be more comfortable as she gets bigger. When I walk (which is usually on the treadmill IN the house these days!) Natalie is not happy unless we are in a busy area and she has people to look at. Unfortunately the park closest to us is empty almost all of the time. She doesn't care about snacks and a sippy...too bad! She just wants out. Now if we're at a store, the mall, etc., she doesn't mind it a bit. She needs people to look at. The 'busy' park is about 25min. from here and gas is so expensive that I can't justify going over there everyday when I have a treadmill in my house, you know? Thanks for the snack holder link...I'll check it out.
My friend has one of these snack holders and loves it. I need to get one of those!
Oh man, I know how that is. Connor does not like it when I want to do some hills in this new road that's not open to the public. I can see how that's a problem. He likes cars, trees, birds, people that wave, etc. And, yeah, driving all that way doesn't make sense. I wish we could let you borrow our backpack and just see how you guys like it! How much does she weigh? If you have friends who have one, maybe you can borrow it one time and see how far you can go with her on your back. Oh, and I just ordered that snack cup, along with the corner tub toy holder. I'm SO tired of seeing toys e v e r y w h e r e in the tub!! LOL
I suggest going to Amazon and reading customer reviews of the various baby backpacks! I know the Baby Trend one gets AWFUL reviews and many of those people mention better ones that they got instead.
She weighs at most 21-22lbs. I think we will go to BRU and try one out with her before we ever buy it, but it would be even better to borrow one for the day LOL! We have a net sack with suction cups that is hanging on a hook in the tub. She has so many bath toys we're even rotating THOSE now!!
We were posting at the same time Kate! I started with BRU and the reviews. I LOVE that feature on their website. But I wanted to check with you guys first