Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005:
Is that a word? LOL My neighbor says that she pulls her son's feet out from under him (he sleeps on his belly) because she heard that it could cause him to be bow legged. She does this after he's gone to sleep. It doesn't seem to wake him up. Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this? I had never heard of this. Connor sometimes sleeps with his legs under him in the fetal position.
This would be a old wives tale... There is a genetic condition called, Blount's disease, that causes a child to be bow legged. There are also conditions that can lead to being bow legged. Rickets is caused by a vitamin D deficiency, and in the United States, breast-fed infants with dark skin are most at risk. They can also have bone dysplasias, and lead or fluoride intoxication. That said the position you sleep in doesn't make your legs bow, FYI neither does riding a horse.
I can't imagine changing my kids' sleeping position! I would have been afraid of waking them up! I'm sure both of my kids slept all scrunched up, with their legs underneath them, and they are fine now!
By the way, In general all babies are born bow legged. It is because of the position the body is formed in the cramped space. However, you do not generally notice the bowing unless the baby starts to walk early. The bowing in some babies legs is much more apparent then in others. The legs don't usually straighten out until after they start walking on them. The muscles develop and the bones straighten. Generally 2 to 4 years of age. But sleeping with your legs pulled up does not cause bowing. Like I said it is just another old wives tale.
Rylee sleeps like that all the time, and her legs are perfect.
I figured so...I tried not to chuckle when she told me bc she was very serious and matter of fact. Plus, I respect her in a lot of ways... so, I figured I could put it on here and check. Thanks!!