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Oh. My. Goodness.

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005: Oh. My. Goodness.
By My2cuties on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 07:30 pm:

Do you have a child that gets into everything, hurts themself all the time and you are constantly worrying about them? I cannot believe what all my 2 year old can get into. She is the main reason we have to have insurance! She has fell and bumped her head more times than I would like to recall. I had Katelyn and I loved it she would sit with me, we would read books together and I never had to worry about her when we were out because she was right by my side, but Hailey, she is a completely different story, i love her too, do not get me wrong. I am constantly chasing after her. Trying to keep her clothes and her pull-up on her, but at the same time I can't make her wear clothes that she can't get off to go potty. I guess today was the kicker, last week she ran and fell and cut her lip on her tooth and it was swollen and she has this swollen eye from a stye or something and now she was throwing a fit today at my in-laws house (because she wanted her papa and he was outside) and she hit her forehead on their couch. Now she has a big bump on her forehead and a swollen eye. This is so unbelieveable. I feel so crazy asking what I can do because she is not my 1st child, but my 1st never acted like this. I guess this is sort of a vent but any suggestions (other than watch her like a hawk, because that is kind of impossible) about what I could do to calm her down would be good, and what about those temper tantrums?!?! What do you do? I have not really thought about it I just always let her scream it out, but now it is getting to where she hurts herself she goes in such an all out fit. *deep, deep sigh*

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 07:40 pm:

I obviously have no advice, but I *do* have a {{{HUG}}} or two for you!! So sorry!!

Maybe you could start a nickname..."Million Dollar Baby" comes to mind!!! LOL Just trying to make you smile...

By Missmudd on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 07:49 pm:

I dont have any advice for you just a btdt. My now 11 yo was and is a walking disaster. He knocked out his front tooth at 3, we had to tie the door shut on the fridge to keep him out of it after he fed the poor dog a 2 pound block of cheese and ate almost a full half gallon of chocolate icecream, he fed the fish an entire box of froot loops. He would escape in the night in his diaper and show up at the neighbors, he turned on an iron and burned his leg, did the stitches routine. Had his appendix out, (not his fault but still another hospital visit), multiple almost admissions due to colds, flus, jaundice and goodness knows what else. Wrapped a swing around his neck and almost choked. Sent a log attached to a rope as a swing out and watched it come back and hit him in the eye. If I had any nerves when I started this whole parenting thing they are shot now. I am grateful that my ped doesnt think I beat him.

The only thing I can tell you is that while kids like this drive you totally bonkers, they are usually also the ones who will suprise you with there unusual capacity to love and there enthusiasm is contagious. So love her and strap yourself in.

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 09:34 pm:

It must be the clutzy 2's. DD is the SAME way. She trips over her feet, bumps her head, falls off the monkey bars, runs into the coffee table. Everything! Maybe now their balancing skiils are coming into play, therefore throwing them off a bit? Whatever it is, I sure hope it's over soon. I'm sick of the lumps and bumps as well.

By Debbie on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 09:38 pm:

My youngest ds was just like this. I didn't know how easy I had it with my 1st ds until his brother came along. He was just so active and curious. He was walking at 10 mo., running(and falling) at a year old. A day didn't go by that he didn't have bruises and bumps. One day I found him swinging from the light fixture over our kitchen island. I had to take the bar stools out since he used those to climb on top of the island. I have found him sitting naked on the kitchen table eating ice cream out of the container. He is the reason we had dead bolts at the top of the our doors, all furniture latched to the walls and our entire house baby proofed. He is now 5 and he is still very active. But, he doesn't get into things like he used too. He drove me crazy, but he is also the sweetest, most lovable little boy you will ever met. .

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 - 07:46 am:

As Debbie said, some kids are just more active and curious... and SPIRITED. LOL It's just a difference in personalities and temperment. Think of all the things you will have to remember and tell her about.

By My2cuties on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 - 09:18 am:

WOW, Debbie that is EXACTLY how she is and I too did not realize how easy I had it with #1. Thanks for all the comments, I don't feel so alone with this.

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