Looking for a good.....
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005:
Looking for a good.....
side-by-side. The peg perego Aria looks great but It's a bit out of my price range at the moment. Any suggestions?
I have always had good luck with Kenmore products.
Does Kenmore make strollers?? At least that's what I think Clarabel is referring to. LOL!
ROFL!!!!!! I am in the middle of a kitchen remodel, can you tell where my head is at????
Graco and Chicco both make a side by side for about $150. I know if you just get a double, you can find them cheaper. Have you checked on Ebay?
we have a side by side Jeep. It is sooo compact and was only $80 but you may be looking for something a bit more. It is good though, it has a little bag on each side (for like a couple diapers) and has a cup holder for you... very basic.
Candis, Doe the seats recline? I need a double, but I'll have a 17 month old and a new born.
Funny ,Jann. Too bad you can't put them in the refrigerator and let them cool off for a while sometimes. Yes, the price is definately right for the Jeep but I am partial to reclining seats as well. That's why I love the pliko (peg perego).I really use the snack tray too, I think I would miss that.
Here is one for $69 at Baby Depot. Here is another for $59 at Dreamtime Baby Here is a $79 Jeep on at Walmart
Heaventree, they do recline, but not all the way they recline at an angle, it reclined enough more me to use it on walks with Lauren even when she was only a few days old. It is really a good stroller for the money. When we go shopping we just hang the shopping bags on the handles, it works out pretty good. Good Luck finding one, I looked forever for a double that would meet my needs (at the time we got this we needed something that would fold up compact because we had a 2 door car.