Stage or delay tactic???
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005:
Stage or delay tactic???
my dd (20 mos) has started saying she has pooped or needs to right after I put her to bed- sometimes she has- sometimes not. Tonight she got very upset crying etc. when I told her she had not pooped. So, I thought maybe she needed to so I put her on the potty and no go! She was still crying when we went back into her room. Belly was soft so I don't think she is constipated. She went to sleep after I nursed her! Just curious if this sounds like a bedtime delay tactic to you guys or maybe just a phase. By the way- hello everyone- I have been without a computer for a while!!!
Hmmm...I don't know if I would rush to say she is trying to delay bedtime. Is this a brand new thing? Is her schedule for BM's off some? Sorry, no advice, just to trust your instincts I guess.
My dd did this during her last nap around this age. We made sure to check and see if she needed to go potty before ever laying down. If she didn't go then, we didn't get her up but we are the "mean parents" that let her cry it out, too. My thought is that it is probably a stalling tactic but you know your dd better than I do and should go with your instincts.
I'm just impressed she's using a potty~! LOL, Amy Mom to 23mo Garrett - who can say poo-poo-pee-pee - but still uses his diaper!
She is by no means potty trained and I am definetley not pushing it! We just let her if she wants to! Thanks for the feedback- though it must have just been a stage as she has stopped!