I am so proud of my dks!
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2005:
I am so proud of my dks!
Yesterday was the last day of swimming lessons. My ds was in level 1 and my dd was in level 2. The last day is a fun day where everyone can go off the diving board and go down the big slide. Of course the lifeguards are there to catch them. My ds was to scared to go down the slide. But my dd did it! this is a big thing for her since she just started going down the little slide in the baby pool. She is usually a nervous nelly! But she did it. Then, they both went off the diving board. The lifeguard sort of lowered ds into the water. But he was so proud of himself for gong on the the diving board. Dd was lowered in the first time because she was too afraid to jump. But then she went off again and jumped all by herself. This is a BIG thing for both of them to do . I"m so glad I brought my camera ! Also, ds graduated to level 2. He is so proud that he will be in the same class as his big sister.
That's so great! Congrats on their accomplishments! Ame
Congrats to your kiddos! Those steps are so important to their self confidence and self esteem! Where are the pics (hint hint!)?
I will send them to you Karen!
^5 to your kiddos
how fun! I just love watching kids grow up.