Daycare Mommies, I need help
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005:
Daycare Mommies, I need help
Daycare mommies, do your dks suffer from what I call "daycare nose"? You know, that perpetually snotty/runny nose that all kids in daycare seem to have. DD has been in daycare for about a month, and has had a runny nose for about 2 weeks straight. I have been putting saline nose drops in when she goes to sleep (ya, that's fun!) and am going to get a humidifier for her room. Aside from that, ideas to keep the mucous to a minimum?
It's normal for kids new to daycare to have a runny nose for a while, until they build up their immunities. They're exposed to so many new things, including toys that have been handled/mouthed by every other kid, so they seem to catch everything. The same goes for new daycare staff.
Yes. I think my son's lasted for the first 7 months or so of being in daycare. (He was 22 months when he started daycare.) While he was home for the first 22 months, he never had a cold. My son ended up in the hospital with pneumonia at 29 months and got tubes and adenoids removed shortly after that. After surgery the nose cleared up and he became *very* healthy and still is. (He's almost 11.) There were other kids in daycare with allergies whose noses never cleared up.
Yep, we call daycares germ factories around here. Timmy's been in daycare since 8 weeks old and he had the runny nose for almost the entire first year. Now we've not had any trouble since. Our ped. consoled me with the fact that chances are he won't get sick when he starts kindergarten. Not alot of consolation at the time but it did finally end.