Too Funny
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005:
Too Funny
This morning Rylee and I were playing in the living room, and she ran into her room. I thought that maybe she was going to get something. All of a sudden, I heard some of her drawers opening, and I knew she was taking out her clothes, which she always does. So, I walked into her room, and saw all of her PJ's on the floor, and I asked her what happened. She raised her hands and said, "It Mo-Mo" (Mo-Mo- means Gizmo, who is our Dog). I started laughing. My daughter told her first lie today. And begins. precious!
ROFL! If only the lies could stay so cute and innocent!
I know.
Ahhh yes, I remember the first time my DD lied too! They are so imaginative, aren't they? LOL!