9 year old ds problems
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My son gets food on his face much the same way a 2 year old would. He has to be doing this on purpose. He would just walk around all day that way if I didn't tell him to go wash his face and most of the time when he comes out of the bathroom he STILL has food stickiness on his face. This is an ongoing issue and is driving me bonkers. He's also been acting out alot the last few days and seems to enjoy not caring about his punishment. If I tell him no video games he just shrugs and says ok but it's not just video games this is his answer for any punishment. Again, bonkers.
My ds is also 9yo and we're having the same problem with a dirty face all the time. We're working on him wiping his face with a napkin, every couple of minutes when we're eating with him, like at dinner, and I've started reminding him to get a napkin and USE IT when I see him eating breakfast or lunch and I notice he's getting sloppy. I don't understand why they are doing this since I see my ds's friends eating without making a mess all over their faces or the table around them but my ds is incapable of it. I've also started enforcing the kids washing their hands and faces after every meal to try to instill that habit in my ds since he is so sloppy. As far as the punishment goes, I don't have any advice. Just the threat of a privilege being taken away puts my ds in tears so I'm not help there. Are you always consistent about enforcing a punishment you give out? If you aren't, he might not care what you've said his punishment is since he knows you'll back down after you cool off. Maybe stop taking things away and instead start giving out chores to be done immediately when he acts up. My kids hate that but I love getting something checked off my to-do list!
Thanks Tink! It helps to know I'm not the only one with the dirty faced kid lol! Dh had a talk with him tonight. I think he's shrugging off some of the punishments because dh hasn't been here as much lately to back me up so he sees a potential weak spot. He knows when I am distracted and he goes a bit overboard with the video game playing so we are unhooking it for awhile. I think that may help with the bickering with his sister too, he'd be more in need of a playmate.