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DD doesn't like Daddy all of a sudden! (long)

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: DD doesn't like Daddy all of a sudden! (long)
By Reds9298 on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 09:28 pm:

Dd will be a year old on Saturday. Up until last week, dd is a major daddy's girl...MAJOR. In the evenings and on weekends she follows him everywhere, they do everything together, it's a wonderful relationship. He's the best dad in the world and does everything that mommy does without a second thought. She cries when he leaves in the morning and forgets me as soon as he gets home. When we play as a family, she's totally more involved with him, which I LOVE. Anyway, all of a sudden early last week, dd stopped 'liking' daddy...she doesn't follow him, doesn't want to go to him, whines when she does, reaches back for me, doesn't seem too excited to see him. If I'm not around, she doesn't seem to mind too much, but will still come looking for me now. He is heartbroken to say the least, and this is so sudden. Have any of you experienced this? Tell me it's just a phase!!
Here's the catch and what do you think: I do developmental therapy for the state on the side and offered to take another therapist's clients last week and this week while her disabled son has surgery. That means that starting last Monday I've been in and out of the house for about 4 hrs/day, like 2hrs. in the AM and 2 in the afternoon for example. G'parents have been trading the babysitting in our home, so she's seeing different people everyday and I've missed most lunches and putting her down for most of her naps last week. I noticed last week when I was home that she was very clingy, followed me everywhere and whining at my feet.
Do you think this might have something to do with it? Up until now she's had a sitter (G'Pa) just for 2hrs. each Thursday. Dh and I rarely go out, so that's about it on sitters. Only this week and I'll be home again full time.
I keep telling DH that she misses her regular time with me and is attaching herself to me because of it, but he is so hurt and sad. I feel badly for him and I have to say I'm a little worried that somehow they won't return to their normal wonderful daddy/daughter relationship.
I would love to hear some reassurance because my heart is broken for him :(

By Trina~moderator on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 10:21 pm:

{{{HUGS}}} Yes, it's a normal phase, and I think magnified by the change in routine. She was used to having mommy around all the time, so when you were working it threw her off a bit.

Kids get attached to their primary care giver. It's a common stage and Daddy shouldn't take it personally. Hard, I know! My DH was heartbroken too, but thankfully, it's temporary.

By Andi on Monday, June 20, 2005 - 11:08 pm:

I agree that it is normal. Ditto everything Trina wrote. :)
Tell him not to worry, she will be a Daddy's Girl again.

By Rayanne on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 07:52 am:

Rylee went through that same phase. It is all normal.

By Children03 on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 08:06 am:

I've got three girls and they have all gone through this, it's just a phase and the older they've gotten they love him more and go to him more.

By Jtsmom on Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 12:39 pm:

They do go through this phase, although with both of mine (my youngest is going through it right now) they don't like me!! It doesn't matter who is holding Luke he does't want to come back to me. They will get over it. Although it does hurt your feelings!

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