Solids and 4 month old..........???
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005:
Solids and 4 month old..........???
Little Critter got his first cereal today and LOVED IT!!!! He at the entire bowl (1tbs mix and 5tbs breastmilk). After his bottle he dropped off into a very solid sleep. Boy you should have seen his happy little face w/ each bite, and those feet! OMG, they just kept a kickin' until that spoon was in his little mouth. My question, is how often do I give him cereal now? Each feeding? Just in the AM? It's been so long since I did this, and DD was about 8 months old before she was even able to swallow solids. I am so excited that he liked it! I didn't bother asking too many questions at the dr after she said it was okay to offer cereal. I figured he wouldn't be interested yet. I do know I don't want to over feed w/ solid at this age, since his milk feedings offer so much right now. Thanks for the input.
when I started Faith on cereal, I did it around 4 1/2 months as well. I did it only once a day. Sometimes Id skip a few days if I didnt have time.For the first year breastmilk or formula should be their main source of nutrition. Faith still gets cereal in the morning mixed with juice. She is still breastfed, and still nurses 5-7 times a day, but she sure does love her food as well.
When I indtroduced solids to dd at 6 mos I started with one morning feeding for the first week or two and then moved up to twice a day (once in morning once in the evening) for a few weeks and then eventually 3 times a day. Your ds is younger, so I wouldn't be in any hurry to introduce more, and my understanding is cereal should be the only solid until 6 months, then you can intro veggies then fruits. Also, you should give the solids AFTER breastfeeding. At this age, and up to about 9 or 10 months at least, the solids supplement the breast, not the other way around. Enjoy those big smiles
I gave Helen cereal at every feeding until I started her on veggies and then meats. She now gets cereal only once or twice a day depending on how much other grain based food she's had. Her other meals are meast and veggies, sometimes pasta. Just milk was never enough. By six months she was eating everything. There are no food allergies in my family so I didn't worry too much. I'm really glad I introduced solids when I did because now she's on a milk strike and most of her nutrition is coming from solids. Oh and I always did it the other way around, cereal first and then milk. Just be flexible and do what works for you. Happy eating! Ame
I gave Rylee cereal for her breakfast and dinner.
Thanks for the help. Looks like you just kinda follow the baby's lead on this one (hmmm, just like everything else they do!)
Yea, we aren't the boss anymore. They lead and we follow. LOL
I started with cereal in the AM, then at night, like frasersmama. Always gave the formula before solids as it's the main source of nutrition for quite some time still. My dd is almsot 12 mths., and right now she's STILL getting milk before her meal. (I'm probably going to switch that soon though!) My friend breastfed and said that her ped gave her a guideline for cereal since she needed an iron supplement due to the breastmilk. ??? Might check with your ped, too.
If my kids had to survive on formula alone I would have had huge kids by 12months. Timmy was on cereal at 4 weeks because he was taking 8oz of formula every 2-3 hours too much Dr said so started solids early. Jade was on cereal at 8 weeks again 8oz every 2-3 hours was too much so started cereal. With both I did evenings firsts for dinner then 2-3 weeks later they were also having in at breakfast. I know that sounds too early but my kids were 10lbs 2oz (Timmy) and 9lb 6oz (jade) at birth so my kids never did or still don't do anything by the normal scale.