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Speaking of Travel

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Speaking of Travel
By Kilara21 on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 09:12 pm:

We are travelling from Rhode Island to Alaska on Wednesday by air with an 18 month old. Any tips on how we can make this as easy as possible? I've thought of some things to keep him occupied, like crayons and coloring books and such. Just wondering if there is anything else to consider. Thanks :)

By Mrsheidi on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 09:44 pm:

I think Connor has made at least 8 airplane trips...We got a small collapsible cooler that we put his milk in. We put 4 already made bottles (you will do sippy's?) in there. Don't forget extra snacks like cheese (in snack size packages) go a long way. Bibs, toys, umbrella stroller, and of course, walking up and down the aisles helps! Don't forget Clorox wipes so you can wipe tables, chairs, etc. I would buy diapers in Alaska, depending on how long you will stay.

By Trina~moderator on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 10:08 pm:

Welcome, Kilara21!

Did you buy your DS a plane ticket? Have him fly in his car seat just as he would in the car. He's used to traveling in his car seat and will be much safer that way.

FAA - Flying With Children - Airline Travel and Child Safety

Bring along extra clothes and diapers, more than you think you need, and large, ziplock bags to store soiled diapers and clothes in. Snacks and drinks, of course.

When we travel I buy reasonably priced new and different toys, books, etc. to pull out when the kids get antsy. Works like a charm! :)

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 08:08 am:

Trina, good idea about the ziploc bags! Almost forgot and now we are traveling soon ourselves!! Same with the toys...

By Kilara21 on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 12:02 pm:

Thanks for the info. We did buy him a plane ticket. I figured I wouldn't want to hold him for the entire 12 hours, plus we felt it was safer all around.
I never thought to use ziploc bags, that's a great idea.
I'm such a horrible traveller. I always wind up packing at the last possible minute. I hope I'm not forgetting anything!

By Imamommyx4 on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - 06:29 pm:

Have him drinking on take off and landing to help with popping his ears.

By Feona on Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - 07:30 am:

Talk to you husband before hand. You need cooperation! I am sure a 18 month old would love to walk the aisles.

We fly to florida when ds was 3 years old. People were moving away from us on the flight home. Ds was scared and crying and we had a bag of tricks. It was hard. Mental grove.

Anything he likes
play doh (too young?)

water colors (with one paint brush) paint with cap of water - bag up the brush when done.
make a kite
string kits

I would go to the toy store and see if you can buy some stuff. We had a egg toy that entertained ds for years - popping eggs and sorting eggs.

little airplane to fly around his head. (too young?)

Can you fly at night?

By Kaye on Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - 10:00 am:

My kids are always just amazed by the plane it takes up a good amount of time. We always take headphones and cd's (or this is where an ipod would be great). What does he do at home? try to bring a couple of those things. I personally would NOT walk the eisles with him. One because it just isn't safe, you are safest being sat and buckled, but two, once you do it, and he likes it that is what he will want. I would keep that as a LAST resort. I found that haivng plenty of snacks was important, what the plane will serve probably won't be to his liking (or yours I collapsable cooler is a great idea.

By Luvn29 on Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - 07:07 pm:

I've never flown, and my kids are almost 6 and 9, but I was just curious. Would it really be all that dangerous to walk the aisles while flying? It's not like when you are on the road with cars all around you...

I totally agree with the carseat on the plane in for take off, landing, and in case of problems, but it seems like you would have plenty of notice to have your child in his/her safety seat if need be.

I guess you could always have a mid-air collision, or smack a mountain or something some would say, but aren't the odds of that happening about the same as getting struck by lightening or something?

I promise I'm not being sarcastic or smart...I am just completely ignorant about flying and really am curious about these things...


By Luvn29 on Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - 07:08 pm:

oooops: lightening should be lightning. It drives me crazy when I make a mistake like that, so needed to correct.

By Eve on Thursday, June 2, 2005 - 09:14 am:

Some sort of wet wipes to wash your hands or clean up. And ditto Trina! Ziplocks! My DD threw up once all over her coat and clothes. I was so happy to have those extra Ziplocks to put everything into! Stinky!

Also, the new toys are wonderful to pull out. The small magna doodles are always great. And books and snacks! An extra change of clothes and diapers. I also never travel without the Dum-dum lolipops! They are great to pull out when things get bad! They usually perk my DD right up!

Just have fun! My DD loves to fly. She is usually cheering and hollering. She says "Do it again!" if we ever hit turbulance. Just be positive! Good luck!:)

Oh, this is also a little strange, but I still bring it. I bring along some sort of small bottle of scented body spray. I've had to change poopy diapers on a plane and it stinks! The bathrooms didn't have a changing area. So, I sprayed a couple of sprays as a courtesy for those around me. :)

By Reds9298 on Thursday, June 2, 2005 - 04:26 pm:

Luvn-It's encouraged that adults DO walk the aisles, especially on longer flights to prevent swelling and blood clots. I've flown a lot and I always see people walking their little ones up and down the aisles. Now that I have my own, I definitely would if it was going to be a longer flight, as long as the seat belt sign is off.

By Heaventree on Thursday, June 2, 2005 - 05:00 pm:

When you check-in ask for a bulk head seat. This way there is no one in front of you and you have more room for getting up and down.

If you're still nursing a poncho is great for privacy.

Good luck!

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