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Athelets feet in a 4 year old?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Athelets feet in a 4 year old?
By Beth on Monday, May 2, 2005 - 01:12 pm:

My dd has been complaing for about three weeks that her foot itched. At first we did not see anything and there was a few bumps on her hand. She has excema very bad when she was a baby so we just put the medicine for that on it. She went for several days saying nothing. With my mil in the hosptital last week I kind of forgot about it. When dh went to put her shoe on yesterday she has big open sore and it looks scaly between her toe. I looked at her hand and there are red bumps? I have a doctors appointment tommorrow but I wondering if we should be seeing her dermatologist instead. They charge me $25 dollars for every visit so I am really hoping the regular doctor just does not send me there. I am also wondering if I should just wait and put the medicine for athletes feet on it another day or two. It did look a little better today. But I am just at a lost with her hand. Can you get it on your hand also? I know she was probably picking at it. I think I will do some research on the net but just wondering if anyone else has had this?

By Kaye on Monday, May 2, 2005 - 01:53 pm:

It could be athletes foot, it could be a virus called hand foot and mouth. Take a look in her mouth and see what you see.

my little guy is very prone to atheletes foot. He is 7 now, but we have to make sure he has plenty of "naked feet" time. He would sleep in shoes if we let him. Also if it is very warm we make him change socks mid day. WE put on lotirmin and sometimes gold bond powder.

By Beth on Monday, May 2, 2005 - 02:01 pm:

We have had hand foot and mouth and both my dk's were very sick with it, couldn't eat ect... So I know that is not it. I did find something on the net called planter dermitis. Prone to people with excema which she has and can show up on the hands. So I am leaning towards canceling her appointment with her regular doctor and just going to the dermatologist. Which I know will take me longer to get in. But the regualr doctor told us 3.5 years ago when she had excema she thought it was scabies! It ended up to just be severe excema but it scared me to death. So I don't know if I really trust her judgement in these skin things. I guess I just feel bad that it looked so bad the other day and we had sort of "forgotten about it" But she had been complaing everday and suddenly stopped so I assumed it was better.

By Tink on Monday, May 2, 2005 - 04:03 pm:

Beth, I have had eczema since I was a toddler and it sounds exactly like what you are describing. On other parts of my body, I just get small dry skin patches but my hands and feet get small water-filled blisters in clusters, especially between my fingers and toes. Eventually, they break open and cause an open sore. These itch AWFULLY and will often break open from scratching. Now I know to apply the eczema ointment at the first itch and I keep applying for a week and I haven't had a breakout in years. I'd try to stay on top of it with the ointment you already have or see the dermatologist. As long as the ointment is helping, keep using it until you can get her into the Dr.

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