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Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Reds9298
By Mrsheidi on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 12:48 pm:

Hi Deanna! I know we are in the same boat with foods, etc. We just just tried some Kellogg's breakfast bars with strawberries and he LOVED it. Just started cheerios. He's beginning to like the blueberry waffles. He won't eat anything now that he can't put into his mouth by himself. I still can get him to spoon feed, but at first it's a struggle. Once he tastes it, he's fine. How is your dd doing with food? Is she liking certain things?

By Reds9298 on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 04:58 pm:

Heidi- Thanks for checking in on us! :) Natalie is 95% on table foods,has baby food fruit sometimes for breakfast, just because it's more convenient than keeping fresh fruit. She's really liking the yo baby yogurt, cereal bars, and cinnamon toast,too. She liked the blueberry waffles, but not the apple cinnamon ones which surprised me. Loves pancakes (no syrup yet though). She used to GOBBLE UP the baby food veggies, but now will only tolerate eating a little bit unless it's at dinner time when dh and I are both eating them as well. What is Connor's biggest meal? Natalie eats the most at dinner time when dh and I are eating, too. She loves grilled cheese sandwiches and I've started buying also the mixed fruit in the cans in the light juice as well as the littel microwaveable mini-ravioli cups. She just eats a small portion of those and then I refrigerate the rest for later in the week. She will literally eat anything at dinner now since we all eat together. We're doing more meat with her now, too, which I was nervous about because that was about the only thing she was still getting choked on.

How much does Connor eat? I feel like when Natalie was totally baby food she ate a whole jar of food at each meal (along with 7oz. bottle), but the 'people food' she's eating now doesn't seem to be equivalent to that much but she seems satisfied. Maybe it's more filling??

PS: (I know this is long!) I've decided not to return to teaching in the fall and I'm so excited about my decision! I thought you might be able to relate since you're a teacher, too. It has been one of the hardest decisions I've ever made, but I feel very good about it being the best thing for our family. It has been so hard for me to get to this point so I'm just dying to tell someone else besides dh!!!

By Mrsheidi on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 05:12 pm:

LOL! You crack me up! Yes, I feel the same way about teaching. I WAS a little bit sad yesterday because I received confirmation that my tenure had been dissolved and voted on by the school board back in Alabama, after they received my letter of resignation. Worked 6 years of college and 5 years of teaching to get that...I cried.

BUT...BUT...BUT...I just love being at home and I can't even IMAGINE putting him in daycare. I sit and play with him almost the whole day. Reading, singing, dancing...not making lesson plans, dealing with rude teenagers, and managing 90 kids a day. The longer I stay at home, the more I become attached to him. I love the mommy and me swimming class too. So fun.

We are supposed to go to Florida in June for a vacation and they have babysitting at the hotel we're staying at. I'm already getting nervous about leaving him with someone...but, I know it's good to get some alone time with DH.

About the gave me such good ideas. Isn't it fun to feed them new things?
Connor will have a 6oz bottle every 3 hours or so, along with some rice puffs, cheerios, or fruit. HHmmm...grilled cheese...he loves cheese. I find myself putting the tiniest pieces on his tray bc I'm SO paranoid about choking. My step-MIL laughed when I broke a large french fry (steak fry) into tiny pieces at a restaurant. She said, "Just let him hold it and gnaw on it"...sure enough, that's what he did.
He also loves yogurt...sometimes he'll eat 2 at a time, plus his milk. And, you're right, I feel like he doesn't eat enough, but he shows me he's done soon enough. I'll try those baby veggies...a friend suggested, and I haven't tried these, petite peas that are frozen. They thaw out in the mouth and are so small that they're not a choking hazard. She does it with her 1 year old, so I thought about trying that. I'll have to let you know how it goes!

By Reds9298 on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 06:02 pm:

I break fries into pieces, too!! :)I've given her whole Gerber wagon wheels and she sticks the whole thing in at once and it just seems dangerous. I break those up too and then she feeds them to herself.
I agree about daycare OR a babysitter. We're so fortunate that I have the option to stay home. We actually have grandparents right here in town and we originally thought that I would go back half-time and they would watch her, but we've just decided we don't want someone else "in charge" of her, you know? WE want to be the ones to make all the decisions about her. A little picky I know.
I know what you mean about tenure...I'm giving mine up, too, and that's tough. I will cry when I turn in my resignation, I know I will. But this time with her is so short that it's WELL worth it, and my dh always says "You have your whole life to teach". So true.
About alone time with dh.....definitely needed! We've only gone out a few times since Natalie was born, but we do spend a lot of time together in the evenings at home so it's okay. My parents have watched her the times we went out, but we still have always been home to put her to bed so far...not ready for anyone else to do that, yet!!!:)

By Dawnk777 on Friday, April 29, 2005 - 09:54 pm:

We were out to eat recently and a family with a toddler was sitting near us. I'm guessing 15-18 months. They got him silver dollar pancakes and didn't break them into smaller pieces. He stuffed a rather large piece of pancake in his mouth. Then I saw mom rubbing his back repeatedly. Then I almost ran over to assist with doing a heimlich, when mom realized he had a big wad in his mouth and pulled it out. He immediately started screaming, so then I knew his airway was okay. (he was mad!) I personally thought she should have broken his pancakes into smaller pieces! I supose they thought, that since they were small pancakes in the first place, that they wouldn't have to.

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