What's normal??
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005:
What's normal??
My DD is 7 months old. She loves to eat! My problem is that she isn't drinking her formula as much anymore. She is actually holding out until I feed her food. (she can be very stubborn ) She is having three meals a day. She will take a few ounces periodically during the day. A 5-6 oz bottle in the morning, and a 2-3 smaller bottles during the day. I'm not sure if she is drinking enough. I am thinking to try her on a sippy cup and see if she likes that to drink instead. Any suggestions?
I've noticed that from time to time with my 9 1/2mth. old dd. She will have a week where she only drinks about 4oz. per meal (3 during the day and 1 again at bedtime, normally taking 28oz./day). She'll gobble up the solids but seem uninterested in the formula. But then she gets 'back on track' and for several weeks she drinks like normal. As far as enough, my ped said he would not want my dd to drop below 24oz/day on a regular basis. (She still does though somedays. She's in the 65th percentile in weight, just fyi). From what I've read, 28-32oz/day is recommended. You might wait it out and see if she picks back up again. Seems like that's what happens with my dd anyway. Hope this helps!
Try the sippy, but I wouldn't worry as long as she is eating a variety of foods. My kids both slowed down signifigantly on formula after they started eating regular foods. Mention it to your ped to see if she needs a multi-vitamin to make up for the decrease. I can't remember what age they started eating yogurt and cheese, but see if that is ok with the ped as well.
That sounds pretty normal to me.
Yup, normal. Connor slowed down the formula when he turned 7 months. I make sure I feed the bottle to him first though, when he's really hungry. He went from 8 oz every 3 hours to 4oz every 3 hours (if that).
Yes, normal. They tend to slown down once they start on solids. A good time to introduce a sippy cup during meals.
thanks for making me feel better about the change in feeding. I make sure to offer her a bottle first, and then give her food one to two hours later. She usually downs a bottle in the AM and will wake occassionally looking for a bottle. i know i should try and break this but i want her to get the fluids. the night feedings are less frequent these days. she goes to sleep so early sometimes! 6 or 7 at times!! She hardly sleeps over an hour during her naps. She is quite nosey and hates to miss out on any fun. I feel so unsure of what i'm doing sometimes!! Anyway, I bought a few sippy cups to try out. Any sippys better than others? I bought 2 avents and a playtex with handles. any advice about the night feedings??? thanks