Formula to Milk HELP!!
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005:
Formula to Milk HELP!!
Jade is a little over 12 months. How did you ladies switch from formula to milk? I have 1.5 cans left of powder and when this is done she is done with it. As of Sunday we are totally done with the bottle. Everything comes in the cup. Should I start mixing formula and milk and take it down to just milk so she can taste both at the start and gradually lose the formula? Any advice please. I don't remember what we did with Timmy. 6 years is a long time.
I went to straight milk with my first ds and he was fine with it. My 2nd ds was different. I tried to give him straight milk and he wouldn't drink it. So, I started mixing 1/2 formula and 1/2 milk. I then gradually changed it to all milk and he was fine.
As long as you've got the powder, why not mix it and reduce the ratio of formula to milk over the next week to 10 days, until you are entirely on milk.
My son wouldn't touch the formula/milk combo. He didn't like the milk plain either. I had to water it down some to reduce the thickness and add a little chocolate syrup. Within a few weeks he was drinking the milk plain, but it took him some time to adjust. Evey child is different, so just experiment to see what works with yours. Good Luck Ame
I did the mixture to switch. Started with 3/4 formula to 1/4 milk, went down to half and half and then 1/4 formula to 3/4 milk to all milk. She switched fine.