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Taking DS swimming for the first time

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Taking DS swimming for the first time
By Mrsheidi on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 01:05 pm:

I signed Connor up for swim classes next week and I'm a bit nervous myself. What are all the logistics? Do you wear your swimsuit to the pool? Do you put your child on the floor while getting dressed?
I guess what I'm asking for are any helpful tips. One lady told me to only put him in his swim diaper *right before* I put him in the pool so he doesn't "leak" everywhere.
Any more?

By Heaventree on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 01:21 pm:

I put my swimsuit on at home and I put DS swim diaper on under his clothes - they can leak sometimes so be careful. Bring your stroller into the change room and a lock if they have lockers. Plan to arrive 20 mins before class so you can get organized, you'll also have to have a quick shower before getting into the pool.

Maybe put a tee-shirt on Connor the first time you go, they can be slippery little things at first until you are both used to the pool.

Leave Connor in the stroller while you get yourself undressed and ready - oh yeah and bring flip-flops for yourself. Then get him ready.

On the way out. Get Connor dressed first and put him in the stroller then get yourself dressed.

Don't put Connor on the floor, people wear their shoes/boots in the change rooms also they come out of the pool all wet and the floor is wet. Change Connor on a bench. I bring a small stroller with me, we have family change rooms so you have to go into a stall to change, the small stroller fits into the stall.

The stoller is very helpful for me, keeps DS safe, clean and containted.

Good luck, hope that is somewhat helpful and have fun!

By Mrsheidi on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 01:59 pm:

Thanks so much! I'm going to get an umbrella stroller soon anyway, so that will help! :-)

By Meltonmom on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 09:47 pm:

I joined a gym last year with an indoor pool and my dds and I love it. HOWEVER.....we were sick a lot. So, I asked the doc. about it.

And, he said that when a person joins a Gym, they change clothes, etc. in locker rooms and when the clothes that have been worn by another individual (who may have a cold or something) are removed from the locker and then your clothes and put into the locker, your clothes and personal possessions "pick up" the germs from the previous occupant. So, now, we pack everything in a big backpack on wheels and we don't use the lockers and we don't get sick so often. Just a tip. Hope it helps. M&M

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 11:53 am:

Meltonmom, as many times as my kids and I went swimming at the Y, when they were younger, I NEVER even gave that a thought! Eww.

The stroller is a good idea, because I wouldn't want to set a baby on a locker room floor, though!

By Kittycat_26 on Monday, March 14, 2005 - 07:49 am:

I never thought about taking a stroller with me but man would that help. There is nothing like trying to keep track of a baby on the floor while stripping naked and getting dressed. Add to the fact, that everyone is a little wet and slippery.

Not a good combination.

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