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Ear Infection

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Ear Infection
By Cat on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 11:32 am:

Could it be? Robin stayed home yesterday because his cough sounded awful. He ended up going today, because I know it's just a cold and they have CSAP testing this week (he missed yesterday). There was really no reason for him to stay home. He doesn't have a fever or anything. BUT, he did start complaining last night his ear hurts. Okay, so we've done our bouts with ear infections, and even two sets of tubes, but he's 11yo! Should he have outgrown this by now? I tried to make him an appointment for this afternoon, but the ped's clinic is closed because of "a base-wide mandatory briefing" so I got an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. He wanted to go to school and doesn't really want to see a doctor, but I think that's mostly because he has karate tonight and he knows if he stays home from school he won't be able to go. So does anyone with older kids still have problems with ear infections? I did talk to his teacher this morning so she knows if he's acting funny to call me.

By Sunny on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 12:00 pm:

While it's true ear infections decrease as kids get older, it's still possible. Has he been congested or complaining of postnasal drip? Does he have any allergies? I ask because my 13 yr old will sometimes complain of ear pain and usually it's from fluid backing up in his ear. If I give him a decongestant or Benadryl, he starts feeling better. In my experience, with older kids anyway, the pain is constant, they can't lay on the affected ear and they really feel lousy the times they've had ear infections.

By Cat on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 12:02 pm:

I just explained postnasel drip to him yesterday because his throat hurt. He thought it was pretty gross! lol I don't know if he has allergies or not, but I wouldn't be suprised if he did. Maybe this afternoon I'll try a decongestant if he's still hurting. He did take some Triametic yesterday and said that seemed to help, but didn't want anything this morning. I guess we'll see how he is this afternoon, if he makes it through the school day. Thanx, Sunny. :)

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 12:16 pm:

Ditto Sunny. Heck, I had an ear infection in college.

By Frasersmama on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 12:42 pm:

I have had frequent middle ear infections throughout my life, well into my twenties and even my thirties. I have found that decongestants and pain relievers are my best bet when I get that "plugged ear" feeling with a cold. Most Drs now recommend treating them this way initially to avoid the overuse of antibiotics and drug resistant bacteria. I would consider giving that a try and see if it resolves on its own before getting him on antibiotics(how old is he?)

By Tink on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 12:43 pm:

My dh's eardrum just burst from an ear infection that he was sure was just an earache due to a cold. It is possible to have ear infections, no matter what the age!

By Cat on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 02:21 pm:

Well, I called the school about an hour ago, just to see how he was doing (health-wise and behavior-wise, since with him his behavior can go downhill if he's not feeling well). The teacher's assistant (Ms. S) said he was doing well, but kinda shakey. I asked shakey how, behavior or actually shaking. She said he was actually shaking a little. I asked if he'd eaten (they have morning snack because they eat lunch so late) and she said no, he'd said he wasn't hungry. So I asked her if he had a fever and she went and checked and said he was a little warm, and that she'd take him to the nurses office and call me back. She called back about 10 minutes later and said he was a little warm, but didn't really have a fever--almost 99*. For him, that is a bit warm, since he usually runs around 97*. She said she had him eating something and that he didn't want to go home, and that the teacher wanted him to take one more test (CSAP) to make up for yesterday. She's going to call me around 1pm when he's done with that test to let me know how he's doing. Frankly, I'm a little ticked. Any normal school day and they'd have probably sent him home by now, but since it's "testing week" they want to keep him there no matter what. Granted, I could go get him any time I want, but he doesn't want to come home anyway. I think that's because he knows if he comes home he won't get to go to karate, but if he's sick he won't be able to go anyway. I may give him the option of coming home at 1pm so he can rest so he can go to karate. We'll see how he's doing. I just hate the pressure they put on everyone for these stupid tests!!! Most of you know Robin has some problems at school anyway, and I had totally forgotten about CSAP's when I called him in sick yesterday. I got a message on my machine while I was picking up kindergartener's from his teacher saying, "I've talked to the principal and although we wanted Robin to take the tests with his regular class, if he needs to take them with me he can. So if you can just get him in here this afternoon we can do that." She'd automatically assumed that Robin was faking sick to get out of the test!!! My dh is soooooo ticked off at this school over that and what's going on today he's ready to go to the school board. Sorry to vent, but it's just SO frustrating! If I do end up going and getting Robin this afternoon, I'm going to talk to the principal while I'm in there. I know these schools take these tests seriously, but give me a break. This is just ridiculous. Okay, I'm done venting now. (deep cleansing breath... :) )

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 02:46 pm:

Good grief, if the kid is sick, let him go home. I think I would be mad, too.

Emily was sick once, in 3rd grade. The teacher suggested to me that she was faking it to get out of doing an oral report that afternoon. I went into the nurse's room and took her temperature. It was 100! I don't think you can fake a fever!

She did her oral report a few days later and did just fine.

By Cat on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 03:32 pm:

Ms. S called about 12:50 and said he was doing worse and really didn't want to be there anymore. I have no idea what his temp is because my thermometer isn't very accurate, but he is very warm. Ms. S brought him out in front of the school with the sign out sheet when I got there so I didn't have to take five kids in with me, so I didn't get to talk to the principal. So now I'm trying to get him to lay down and rest for a while. He's pretty mellow, and for his ADHD that's something! lol

By Tink on Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - 06:57 pm:

Aaawww, Cat! I hope he feels better soon! I'd be frustrated with the school, too! I know the pressure I feel just to have my kids at school on a regular day. Let us know how he's doing.

By Cat on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 04:55 pm:

He doesn't have an ear infection! :) The doc said he has a classic viral cold that's causing pressure and making his ears "pop" and causing pain. He said to get some decongestant and expectorant to help keep things 'flowing'. lol The doc was so nice. It was the first time we've seen this one, and I had six other kids with me. He looked in all their mouth's except the five month olds! The girls (2 1/2, 3, 5 1/2, and 6) were so intrigued by the exam. The doc thought that was really funny. I told him, "It's just like a field trip!" lol Anyway, I'm going to get some meds for Robin tonight and hopefully they'll help. He did say to bring him back if he has a colored discharge from his nose or a temp. We'll see how he is tomorrow morning. Another day off school wouldn't hurt him if he needs it. :)

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