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6 yr. old washing hair

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: 6 yr. old washing hair
By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 - 08:37 am:

DS started showering and washing his own hair at about 6, with little help, mostly due to the fact of his short hair. DD, who is strong willed, has just decided to take this task up on her own. I'm all for independence and was willing to let her try. Well, she has medium length hair and is not able to wash, rinse or comb it out properly by herself. The problem is, she will NOT allow me to help! Her hair looks awful. :( It's driving me nuts but I've come to realize that I have to let her learn this lesson on her own. Natural consequences.... *Biting my lip and hoping she gets frustrated and asks me to help.*

By My2cuties on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 - 08:54 am:

ohh, I am there right now. Katelyn started taking showers since she had her last UTI and she doesn't want me to wash her hair either, it is frustrating but I just scrub her head a little and tell her that is what she need to do and she gets mad at me but she HAS to learn. She also dries her own hair all the while I am supervising. *sigh*

By Tink on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 - 10:44 am:

Sami is seven but I still can't imagine her being able to wash and rinse her hair thoroughly. Can you take turns so you know that it's being done correctly occasionally. Honestly, I think you are doing better than I would be. I would just insist that I do it. Here's hoping she learns quickly!

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 - 11:31 am:

Up until recently she was fine with me helping as needed. However, now she has decided SHE needs to do it alone. The first couple nights I did insist on doing it but the results were not good. Ended in a screaming (DD) battle of wills. This child often needs to learn the hard way. So be it. *Heavy Sigh*

By Melanie on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 - 11:52 am:

Oh gosh, I know how hard it is for my Griffin to properly wash his very short hair. I can just imagine with longer hair! Yikes!

Do you have a handheld shower head? I find the boys do a better job rinsing if they are holding that than if it is hanging up.

Good is so hard to choose your battles like this when you *know* it would be so much easier to just do it yourself!

By Nicki on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 - 12:22 pm:

Goodness, my daughter is two and fights anything I do to her hair. So often the soap is not rinsed out well enough, and her thin hair gets so snarled looking, but she hates to have it brushed. I keep telling myself this will pass and get easier, lol! I guess this battle goes on for awhile. My neighbor has a 6 year old who has the most beautiful blonde hair. It was quite long, but mom grew wearing of the same problems, and gave her daughter the option of letting mom help, or getting it cut (shoulder length). Her daughter went for the hair cut. She looks adorable. Mom said her daughter may try to grow it out again and hopefully things will go differently next time.
The battle of wills continue!
Good luck.

By Melissa on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 - 12:28 pm:

I had a similar issue with my dd same age I told her I'm your mom and I have certain standards for how your hair will look, meaning well brushed not all tangled. You can do it yourself to my standards or I will help you. If I help you there will be no screaming or carrying on if there is I will make an appointment and you will get a short hair cut. Totally your choice. She still has long hair and since she mostly can't do it to my standards I help her. To me somethings are not a choice if she can't do it as it is, you help or she gets a short cut she can manage.

By Trina~moderator on Friday, March 4, 2005 - 09:48 am:

Update - We appear to be over that rough patch. She's cooperating and letting me help with her hair again. Yeah!

My mother was a hairdresser and gave me a very short, boy hair cut when I was a little girl because I gave her a hard time. I will NOT do that to my DD. Her hairstyle is very simple, and although we could shorten it a couple inches, it wouldn't make much of a difference concerning hair care. I know, because we've already gone that route. LOL!

By Melanie on Friday, March 4, 2005 - 11:12 am:

Wow, that was fast! It's amazing how quickly kids figure out that there is a better way when we just give them space and time to figure it out on their own. WTG!

By Dawnk777 on Friday, March 4, 2005 - 11:49 am:

My mom always gave me pixie haircuts and I dreamed of having hair long enough for braids. I never had it. Now, I wouldn't do it, because I like taking care of short hair and braids would look silly now! LOL!

Then my sister, who is 3 years younger, had hair down to her butt! LOL! Go figure!

I suppose I could have grown it out, but it always seemed like too much bother!

By Feona on Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 08:47 am:

I had short hair cuts too. Once I didn't brush my hair well enough and it got into a Major knot that had to be cut out. My hair is knotty though.

Long hair is definitely in style for girls now. Looks like so much work to me.

By Meltonmom on Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 02:23 pm:

Both my dds have long hair, we use the "No More Tangles" spray in the "Princess" bottle, it costs a little more, but it is worth it. I brush their hair and complaints are met with "Wanna get it cut?" That pretty much puts an end to that battle!

I know I sound mean but both DDs want to go to pre-public school and we just don't have time in the mornings to argue about it.


By Lauram on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 01:09 pm:

That was fast. Both my kids are like this. Luckily they are boys and so when they act this way, I just give them a buzz! :)

By Eve on Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 01:52 pm:

DD, only 4, has decided she wants to wash and rinse her own hair! Eeks! Frusterating, to say the least. I gave her a choice of longer hair and Mom helps or short hair and do it by herself. She chose! So, I've decided that's fine, and tomorrow we are getting it cut!

Trina, just thank Heaven for detangler! LOL!:)

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