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My Little Vampire!

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: My Little Vampire!
By Heaventree on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 09:02 pm:

My ds is 11 months old and he has been biting me for almost 4 months now. He only bit a few times while nursing, I would take him off my breast tell him "NO" firmly and would not continue nursing. This seemed to work very well.

He has not stopped biting in other ways, he acts like he's going in for a cuddle and then takes a chomp out of me! He only bites me no one else. I've tried sayning "No Biting" and if I catch him before he actually does it he will stop. If I don't catch him I say "No Biting Mommy!" and I put him down. Not two seconds later he try again.

He does it more when he is tired, before naps or in the evening. My play group leader suggested that perhaps he is doing it for attention and to try and ignore it. I can't ignore it, it hurts.

Any other suggestions?

By Trina~moderator on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 09:27 pm:

I think you're handling it well! The only thing I can suggest is to give him things that are acceptable to chomp on, like teethers. Worked well with both my kids. Neither ever took a pacifier but they liked those teethers. :)

By Rayanne on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 09:54 pm:

My grandmother told me that when a kid bites it is because they are frustrated with something. Now, I don't know if I believe that for every time a kid bites, but is there something bothering him when he does bite?

By Heaventree on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 10:03 pm:

Rayanne, it happens more often when he is tired or really teething. I did notice him chewing on a set of teething keys today, so Trina, good suggestion, I will make an effort to have more items around for him to chew and I'll also try giving him something to chew on when he does try biting in a way to redirect him.

He is going through a very busy stage these past few weeks and is also testing his limits and my patience so he may be a bit frustrated as well.

Thanks to you both - good suggestions. This to shall pass - my favourite saying these days :).

By My2cuties on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 11:04 pm:

My little Hailey did that, she would bite and I had to be persistant in telling her no each and every time...It got really old but finally paid off and it worked so you are doing a great job telling him no and one day it will end. :) Good Luck in the meantime with the teethers that's a good suggestion, wish I would have thought of that when mine was in that

By Missmudd on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 10:09 am:

I usually found that my dks behavior would go downhill when they were learning something new like walking or talking. So at least I would know that this too shall pass. All of the above suggestions are good, you may want to tell him that biting is for food, not people. It worked w/ one of my more bloodthirsty kids :)

By Frasersmama on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 12:51 pm:

When they are teething babies have an OVERWHELMING urge to bite down on things, it must bring them a lot of relief. Teething keys are great, my daughter loves it when I wet half a washcloth and put it in the freezer for a while. The cold feels great on little gums and since you can't put teething rings in the freezer, this is a great alternative (no frostbite risk). Why only wet half the washcloth? So they don't get cold hands holding on to the frozen part.

Otherwise, great job just saying no, and try to watch for cues that he is about to bite and offer him an acceptable alternative to your flesh! :)

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