Poor girl
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005:
Poor girl
First off, some of this may be a bit TMI... My 5 yr old dd woke up this morning and called me. "Mooom, i think i went to the bathroom in my pants." (this NEVER happens). I go and check and she has done #2 in her pants while sleeping! eew! I ask her if she is feeling ok and she said yes. She couldn't beleive she had done this either. So i get her cleaned up and off to school she goes. I told her if she doesn't feel well at school to tell her teacher and I would come get her. 1:30 I get the call. This is the nurse at ---Elementary. Isabella threw up all over the place. So I went to pick her up. My little girl was WHITE at a SHEET! OMG the poor thing. She's got "it" all over her and in her hair. yuck. I had plans to scrapbbok with a friend tonight. And we also had plans to go to a friends house for dinner tomorrow night. The kids were looking forward to seeing their friends and we were looking forward to visiting with our friends. They live about an hour away and we have had plans to see them for about a month. Bummer. I guess that's what happens though. btw Isabella is still feeling crummy and getting sick every once in a while. My ds was so sweet when we picked her up. Asking her if she is ok and why did she get sick.
If this is what my dd had last week, it really lingers. She only vommited for about 3 hours, the diarehha lasted about 24 hours nd she didn't feel right for about 10 days. No fever or very low grade and just wipped her out. I hope your little one is feeling better soon. I always feel so bad for the kiddos that throw up at school.
Thanks Vicki. I picked her up at school at 1:45 and she just threw up again at about 5:00. Hopefully that was the end of that.
Poor baby! I hope she's feeling better soon. Hugs to you both.
She came into our room this morning and said "I feel much better today!" She is totally back to herself and playing again. I can't believe how quickly some kids bounce back. If it were me I would still be lying in bed feeling weak and yucky!
glad she is doing better today! I hope you guys have a great day together.
I am glad she is feeling better. Ds had the flu last week and it was no fun at all!!