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Stomach bug

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Stomach bug
By Vicki on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:12 am:

Ok, I am going to sound like a fool here, but dd turned 10 in December and this is the first time in her life that I am dealing with a stomach bug. She started with it about midnight and the last time she threw up was about 3ish. She does still have it coming out the other end (that was fun, both ends at once!) but it has slowed down in how often it happens. I am getting a little Sprite in her and keep offering crackers or toast, but so far she doesn't want anything. I am guessing at this point the most important thing is to keep some liquids in her and watch for dehydration?? How long does this kind of thing normally last? How long do you wait until you call the doctor?? What all do I watch for?? I sound like a new mom here and she is 10. LOL But this is a first for us luckily!!

By Jann on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:49 am:

Poor thing, both of you! I would see how she does today and then call the doc tomorrow if she is still having problems. You can also call the nurse and ask her what they want you too look out for.

By Lauram on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 01:07 pm:

The most important thing is to keep liquids DOWN. If they come out the other end it's ok, but if she vomits she's not getting enough. Also make sure she is lucid and peeing.

Stomach bugs are nasty. Be grateful you waited until 10 to do this! Both my kids had it 3 times each last winter. YUCK!

By Lauram on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 01:08 pm:

Oh- try ice chips or gateraid. If she's still vomiting only take small sips at once and then gradually increase as she keeps it down.

By Vicki on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 01:44 pm:

She seems to be doing much better. She has not vomited since last about 3 this morning and the diareha (sp?) has slowed way down. She is even peeing sometimes without going. She is slowly drinking her Sprite and is nibbeling on some saltine crackers now. I got the timer out and set it for 10 minutes and she takes a sip every 10 minutes. A few minutes ago she asked if we could set it for less time as she is thirsty. So we are down to every 8 minutes now. That has really helped get it in her. I think it just freaked her out more than anything since this is the first time and she was sooo worried about eatling/drinking and getting sick again. I think she is on her way to being better. Thanks so much for the help though. I know that I am VERY luck she has never had this before. Over all, she is usually very healthy and hasn't missed a day of school since the 1st grade!! Thanks again for the help. You helped calm a nervous mom!!

By Vicki on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 07:28 pm:

Well, it is getting close to time for her to go to bed. Normal bedtime is 8:30, but I told her we are bumping that up to 8 tonight. She didn't get much sleep at all last night and didn't nap today either. I do believe that after a good nights sleep, she will feel so much better. But, I am going to keep her home from school one more day. They are off Friday and Monday for who knows what, so that will really give her time to bounce back. I will call the school in the morning and then go pickup her work and we will have all that time to catch her back up. They have been working those kids so hard since we were off 12 days for the flood that she was so upset about missing school. Not even because she is sick, but because of all the work she will have to make up and miss. How sad is that!! But anyway, she isn't near 100% yet, but I feel that having eaten a little and kept that down and drinking some today and keeping that down has boosted her confidence that she isn't going to vomit anymore. So I am hoping that after a long nights sleep, my happy , cheerful and healthy little girl might be back tomorrow. Thanks again for the help!!

By Kim on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:49 pm:

I am glad your DD is feeling better!

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