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Weight Issues

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Weight Issues
By Cat on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 11:44 am:

Both my kids have always been on the thin side. I don't have a problem with that, because dh and I were both very thin when we were young (oh, those were the days! lol). Anyway, Robin trialed a medication last spring for a few months. It wasn't working so he stopped it. In that time he went from 62lbs to 82lbs. He was 10 (and about 4 months). Honestly, it looked good on him. When he stopped the medication he settled at about 80lbs (Trina might remember that's when I bought him a new booster seat!). The other day I took the kids to the pool. I thought to myself he looked like he was thinning out again. He is getting taller (I don't know exactly how tall right now). Well last night they had "train in street clothes night" at karate instead of wearing their Gi's (which hide a lot). I thought again, he looks thinner. So this morning I had him step on the scales and he weighed 74.5lbs!!! I was shocked! He's lost 5.5lbs in the past 9 months. Now I don't know if I should be concerned or not. If he hadn't trialed that medication he's probably about where he'd have been anyway. His next doctor's appointment is March 15th. I know I can always call his doc before then, but don't know if I should and what good it would do anyway. Neither of the boys have ever had a big appetite (except when Robin was on that med). I checked an online weight-for-age chart and he's at about th 20th percentile. (Randy's only at the 25th at 9 1/2 years and 59.5lbs). What do you all think? I called dh at work and he said "I don't know." (typical male's response!) I know 5lbs isn't much, but when you're only working with 80 it seems like a lot. He is healthy, he does eat, and he is active. He is NOT on any stimulants or other ADHD meds right now and hasn't been since last summer. I'm probably just being an over-reactive mom. But hey, isn't that my job??? :) Thanx for your thoughts.

By Missmudd on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 12:06 pm:

My 11 yo ds is probably about 75 pounds, I wouldnt worry too much about it. I think that kids if given food choices and they do eat isnt a big worry. His body is saying I want to be this weight for my height. My 6'2" son probably weighs about 140 pounds, we tease him that you could see light through him. I think it is probably just the genetics. They both eat so I dont worry too much. He will stop being a skinny kid when he gets through puberty. So call the ped if you are worried but I wouldnt stress too much.

By Palmbchprincess on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 12:10 pm:

I wouldn't worry about it. I was 15 and gained 20 lbs in a month on a medication (my mom had the docs take me off it because of the weight gain) It took me quite a few months to drop those pounds off, and I didn't have the advantage of growing taller at that point. It's weight he wouldn't normally have carried, so as long as he feels ok and is eating well, don't worry too much!

By Cat on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 02:57 pm:

Thanx for helping put my mind at ease. Like I said, I'm sure he's okay. Just mommy worrying. :)

Kristin, your son IS thin!!! My dh is 5'9" and when we met he was 140lbs and I thought HE was thin! His mom told me after a year of dating that I must have been good for him because he'd put on about 15lbs. lol Maybe that's it. Maybe your son needs a girl in his life to fatten him up. JK :)

By Palmbchprincess on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 03:11 pm:

Cat, my ex is like that, always has been. 6ft and weighs 130. I could have crushed him when preggo!

By Missmudd on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 10:07 pm:

Funny you should mention that cat, my dh was 140 when we met and now is pushing 200 LOL... Guess it is like that Carls junior comercial, if it wasnt for us they would starve. :)

Oh and ds #1 eats like a horse, I am almost ready to send him out to get a job so he can start feeding himself jk... :)

By Imamommyx4 on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 12:52 am:

I don't think any of my boys got over 80 lbs until they got into high school. They were healthy, ate decently, but were always on the move. And dh is on the thinner side. He wore 29 x 34 pants when we married. (He has increased that a little over the years but not like I have). I would rather my kids be on the lighter side as long as they are healthy and active and eat ok than like I was as a kid.

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