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Ds had endioscope this morning

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Ds had endioscope this morning
By Debbie on Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 02:43 pm:

and the doctor said that there are two abrasions on his stomach. He took a biopsy of them to see if they can find out exactly what they are and what is causing them. We have to wait 7 days for the results. The doctor didn't really give me much information. He wanted to wait for the results of the biobsy first. He told me not to worry, but of course, I am. Does anyone have any experience with this? I couldn't find much information online.

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 05:03 pm:

No experience here, but hugs to you both!! Hang in there!

By Cat on Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 05:55 pm:

Did he give you any idea what they could be? I have no clue. Let us know what you find out. Hugs. :)

By Debbie on Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 06:53 pm:

No Cat, he really didn't want to say anything. He did tell me that it wasn't cancerous or life threatening. How he knows that, I don't know. He did ask if ds has taken motrin for prolonged periods of time, which he hasn't. I just hate waiting. We had to wait an entire month just for this test. I thought today that we would finally have the answers as to what's going on with ds. No such luck.

By Jelygu on Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 07:50 pm:

No experience or advice, just happy thoughs sent your way. Hope everything is ok!

By Amecmom on Thursday, February 10, 2005 - 10:36 pm:

How did this come about? What prompted the doc to do the test in the first place? Could it be an ulcer? Please keep us posted.

By Debbie on Friday, February 11, 2005 - 08:45 am:

Ame, they did the test because he is having major reflux issues. They wanted to make sure there was no damage to his esophagus and they wanted to check for a hiatal hernia. Both of these things checked out fine. They just found the abrasions. He said they were somewhat like an ulcer, but not as severe. I don't know, maybe they could be the start of ulcers???

By Amecmom on Friday, February 11, 2005 - 12:08 pm:

They could be, especially if his reflux was bad.

What kind of issues were you seeing? My son had GERD as an infant, and I still think he has it, at three. He'll wake up coughing for no reason, or just be very cranky, and then I'll give him some Gaviscon and he'll be okay.

How was he during the testing?

Hope you get some answers soon!

By Debbie on Friday, February 11, 2005 - 02:07 pm:

Ame, ds did great for the test. He was put to sleep under sedation. He did have vomiting when he woke up, but they think it was from the pain medication they gave him after. They decided to give it to him since they ended up doing so many biopsies. We were able to come home about 1-1/2 hours after the test. He was just very sleepy most of the day. He is fine today.

I think ds has had reflux since he was an infant, but he was diagnosed as lactose intolerant instead. He seemed to be fine around age 1, but then at 2, he started vomiting in the evenings, burping and I could hear stuff coming back up in his throat. His doctor put him on prevacid for 8 weeks and he did great. She then took him off to see if it would come back. He did great for about 6 months and then he started having problems again. Burping, vomiting and refusing to eat lots of foods. They also diagnosed him with asthma for a chronic cough. My ped. finally referred us to a ped. GI. She doesn't think he has asthma, but that it is related to the reflux. Hiatal hernias run in my family, so she was really testing him for that. I was hoping he would be put on some medication for the reflux after the test, but they want to wait until the biopsy results come back.

By Amecmom on Saturday, February 12, 2005 - 09:54 am:

Thanks, Debbie!
I'm going to take Randy back to the GI for an evaluation. I think he needs to go back on the Zantac or on something like Prevacid.
Keep me posted about the biopsy. Also, did they say you can give him an OTC med like Gaviscaon until the results come in? It may make him more comfortable.


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