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Orajel Training Toothpaste

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Orajel Training Toothpaste
By Boxzgrl on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 06:15 pm:

Does NOT get the plaque off of DD's teeth. I can scrape her teeth with my nail after brushing and get off a huge gunk of plaque. When can I switch her to what I use?? I've honestly been using it on and off because it actually cleans her teeth. Anyone else with the same problems? What did you do?

By Kate on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 06:41 pm:

Wow...I never used toothpaste of ANY kind until my kids were three. Just brushing really should do the trick. Is her toothbrush too worn down? Maybe she just needs a new one. You just have to be careful she doesn't swallow the regular toothpaste because if she gets too much fluoride ingestion her teeth will have shiny white spots all over them. Truthfully I'd stick with the non fluoride paste or go without. What if you try scrubbing her teeth with a washcloth or one of those finger brushes? You will have more control that way and do a better job with the actual scrubbing part.

By My2cuties on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 07:14 pm:

Hailey uses the Oral-B kids toothpaste and so does Katelyn. Their teeth look white after brushing...I think it is better than the orajel stuff, I used that only when they were younger and had no teeth or only 1 or 2 teeth. :) I am sure she will like the bubble gum (or whatever flavor you choose) better than adult toothpaste and it works for younger kids, I am going to switch the girls to a more adult type toothpaste when they are around 5 or 6.

By Boxzgrl on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 07:39 pm:

So I can switch her to the kids kind as long as there is no fluoride???

By My2cuties on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 07:58 pm:

I assume.. I only put a tiny little dab on Hailey's toothbrush and it helps her have a white smiley.:) Doctors say to introduce floridated toothpaste at age 2 (then only a pea-sized amount). Before age 2 they say use a soft bristled toothbrush and water only. Water does not get my childs teeth clean so I let Hailey use the kids toothpaste (a tiny bit, smaller than pea-sized) maybe 2 or 3 times a week. HTH

By Boxzgrl on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 08:03 pm:

Thanks Candis! :)

By Rayanne on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 04:05 pm:

Why a soft bristled tooth brush? Rylee has an electric toothbrush. Is this bad?

By Palmbchprincess on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 09:13 pm:

Rayanne, soft bristles so it doesn't damage their sensitive gums and soft enamel. Doc generally advise using a damp cloth at first, then a baby toothbrush (like the Oral B stage 1) Melissa, we used the Orajel baby trainer toothpaste until they were 2, and use Oral B toothpaste for kids now, just a tiny bit, because it has flouride. I never noticed plaque buildup, but having a fresh brush every 3 months helps a lot. There are also Natural toothpastes for babies/kids. Tom's Natural makes one, and Burt's Bees Baby has another. My other thought was just a tiny bit of baking soda and water, but I'm not sure if it's safe for small children, though adults can use that.

By Palmbchprincess on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 09:20 pm:

Burt's Bees

Tom's of Maine

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