Oprah show tomorrow
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005:
Oprah show tomorrow
Oprah will be having the "Nanny 911" lady on there to give tips on behavioral issues that parents have. Connie, thanks for your earlier post on the Nanny 911...I hope I remember that when our ds gets older.
Hmmm....Nanny 911 is Fox and uses different nannies for each show. I wonder if they'll have all of them on there or just a few. I think it's ABC that has 'Super Nanny', and she is the same nanny every week. Interesting stuff! Makes me think I'm not so bad, LOL!
Yes, sorry, it IS "Super Nanny" that she is having on there today.
I didn't see it, did anyone else?
Yes, I did! I really like these nanny shows. I think these woman have practical, usable solutions to common problems that all of us face, although these kids take it to a whole new level! The Nanny and Oprah talked to family's who had issues with kids that talked back, kids that tantrumed, kids that wouldn't stay in bed at night, and kids that hit and kicked their siblings and family members. I also liked that they showed kids from ages 7 down to almost 2. I wish I had Tivo!