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Need some advice on food

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Need some advice on food
By Katiesmommy on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 09:55 am:

Ok, my dd is 6 months old and has been on solids for the past month with no problems. She has no teeth as of yet (they are trying to come thru..ugh!) I want to know when it is OK to give teething biscuits or crackers. I am deathly afraid she will choke on them even if its OK to give them. Also when do you start giving the Cherrios as a snack??? Thanks you in advance for your help.

By Trina~moderator on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 10:26 am:

Every baby is different. Trust your mommy instincts. Try things and watch her closely to see how she does. Before Cheerios I started my kids out with rice puffs, one or two at a time. They are very soft and dissolve quickly in the mouth. It was FUN watching them try to pick them up! Good practice for developing the pincer grasp. LOL!

By Heaventree on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 10:34 am:

Hi Amy,

I started my little one on Puffed Wheat, make sure though that you've tried a wheat cereal first so that you are sure there are not wheat allergies. I found the Cherrios too crunchy, my ds is 9 months, has 6 teeth and I still haven't tried them, but I too am really frightened of choking. I'm not sure if you have these cookies in the US but we have Baby Mum Mums, they are a rice based cookie. They are great, cause they are no mess and dissolve in the babies mouth. Hope that helps.

By Kaye on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 10:47 am:

My baby didn't have teeth until well over a year. It is a big myth they need teeth to eat. You need to watch for develpmental signs, does she chew her baby food. If she is doing that motion then find things for her to chew. You can give her biter biscuits, cherios, grated cheese, etc. Those front teeth are made for tearing. Make sure she has small pieces. Don't let her eat without you right there. My kids always started with cherios, they can be swallowed whole if they don't chew them..LOL. Stay away from odd shaped things like animal crakers, they are hard for beginners.

By Mrsheidi on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 01:18 pm:

My ds is also 6 months but he's just eating rice cereal, jar food, and drinking formula. I haven't started him on juices or teething biscuits yet. He also doesn't have any teeth...I'm scared just like you!!

By Pamt on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 03:14 pm:

Cheerios and small broken bits of graham crackers at about 6 months. Ditto Kaye. I know it is scary, but don't put off introducing solids too late or your child may begin to have sensory issues with food and not want ANY solids. Ease them into it slowly starting with some small cereal pieces and do trust your mommy gut. I don't really like the biter biscuits. My kids would gnaw them until they were a wet mess and then a big chunk would break off. I think they are a choking hazard, IMO. It's funny that with my first I waited until about 6 months to introduce Cheerios and things of that nature and with my youngest he was totally eating regular table foods by 9 months. Just don't ever leave your baby unattended while eating.

By Mara on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 03:35 pm:

I think 6 months is a good time to start little bits of things like cheerios. Another thing to watch is how many you place on the tray at one time. All my little ones would try to put all of them in their mouths before chewing up the first one. Just put one down at a time and after you are sure that it has been eaten then give another. Stay close by and if you think she is having a rough time with it then wait a week and try again. Go with your gut, if she seems to strugle with it then wait and introduce it again later. Have Fun!! :)

By Jelygu on Monday, January 17, 2005 - 08:45 pm:

I agree that it is a good time to start with a little finger foods. I like the Gerber fruit and veggie puffs, they dissolve in the mouth if they don't chew them, so you don't have to worry so much. Christopher did have any teeth until he was 9 months, and he ate all kinds of things. Like Kaye said, they don't use those front teeth for chewing anyways. Just try a little at a time and watch carefully. And have fun!

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