Trina, yet another carseat question.........
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Trina, yet another carseat question.........
By Dana on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 02:21 pm: | I'm putting the baby seats into the cars now getting ready for the big day. Question is for placement in my mom's Town N Country van. Which is the safer place? Center far back row or side middle row (no such thing as a center middle row)? TIA! You are the best. Dana
Dana, I saw this but need to catch my kids off the bus. I'll post later when I have more time.
By Melanie on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 03:25 pm: | Studies have shown that the middle row is safer. There is not much space between the rear of the vehicle and the rear row of seats, making it less safe in the event of a rear impact.
There are pros and cons to both positions, but personally, for convenience and safety reasons, I'd put the infant seat in the middle row.
By Dana on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 05:25 pm: | Okay, then, middle side seat will be the one. I hate using the side seat Thanks for checking into that. I knew that the back row was not as safe as the middle row, but oh, to think of my new born getting that side impact hit! There is more space between the back trunk and seat than there is between the side seat and side door. Plus my thoughts of where the momentum goes on a side impact. It will send him side to side rather and back and forth which the infant seat is designed for. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
You're welcome. Once you have more than one child the middle position isn't always an option. Yes, ideally it is the safest in regards to side impact crashes, but realistically not do-able for most families with 2+ kids. When I had baby #2 my kids both had to go outboard in our sedan. Even when we got a minivan we didn't have two middle spots for each of them and I didn't want my newborn waaaaaaay back in the 3rd row. {{{HUGS}}} How are you feeling?? You're in the home s-t-r-e-t-c-h now!
By Dana on Friday, January 14, 2005 - 07:33 pm: | S~T~R~E~T~C~H I believe is the most powerful word you used. My belly feels sooooooo stretched beyond capacity right now. Two nights in a row of only a couple hours sleep. I even took DD to school 2 hours late because waking at 6am just was not going to happen today. I will be happy when I loose this discomfort I feel. There is nothing like the last month of pregnancy! Thanks for asking.
Oh, I remember that last month! Hang in there. I hope labor and delivery go well. Looking forward to seeing the birth announcement!