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Is he crawling yet?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Is he crawling yet?
By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 11:16 am:

Ugh...I get so tired of that question. I know people/mothers mean well, but after I tell them my ds is 6 months, that's the surefire question afterwards. He can sit up (with help) and still hates to be on his tummy. His head is in the 97th percentile (see my profile pic) and it's so heavy to pick up. Poor guy is a replica of Charlie Brown LOL!...I try to give him tummy time, but he just turns right over. My pediatrician seems to react funny when I told her that he doesn't turn from his back to his tummy. When did your kids do this?
Any advice to get him to be interested in tummy time at 6 months? I'm afraid he won't crawl...super paranoid as a first time mom. I don't think he should crawl yet...I get so tired of that question though... it makes me feel guilty. maybe he just looks older than he really is? his height is off the charts...

By Emily7 on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 11:50 am:

You know what Heidi he looks like a healthy little boy. Both of my kids crawled at about 8 months & it was mostly on the belly. According to the chart I have at 6 months babies should be able to: turn from back to stomach, sits while leaning on hands, put objects in mouth, make single consonate sounds (da, ba, ga, ect), transfer toys easily hand to hand, & imitate sounds & noises. BUT keep in mind that these are just guidelines & not all babies do everything on the list, that doesn't mean they are slow though.
I just always got down on the floor & played with my kids to keep them on their back. I would get in front of them & play peek a boo.

By Jelygu on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 12:03 pm:

I have BTDT! My son didn't crawl until about 9 months, and I had several worried posts about it.
Christopher, like your son, never enjoyed tummy time. I could never get him to play on his tummy, no matter what I tried.
My son finally starting crawling right after he figured out how to get from his tummy to sitting up. It's like he realized he could get somewhere if he just tried. Then he barely crawled before standing up and walking!
My advice is to TRY not to worry. I worried and worried because my friends baby started crawling SO much earlier than Christopher. I was so afraid he would never crawl. Then one day it just happened and all that worrying seemed silly.
Every baby is different, and from what you say, your son seems perfectly normal. Six months is a little early for crawling anyways (average is 8-9 months actually, even though it seems like everyones kids but yours starts earlier)
Enjoy his immobility while it lasts! LOL!

By Kaye on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 12:16 pm:

Just one thought, make sure you are playing on the floor with him. Lay beside him, lay in front of him, both on bellies. Also lay on your back and have him lay on top. As long as you are playing with him, not just letting him lay around all day, then it will probably all be fine. Kids are different they develop different, people don't know how to make small talk.

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 01:14 pm:

Yeah, I did notice he likes it when I put him on my chest while I lay on the bed. It's so cute to watch him try to hold his head up. And, talk about drool city! My shirt is as wet as his! ha ha ha
You can tell he just wants to walk SO bad. He jumps in his jumperoo for half hour segments...and boy can he jump! We play ALL the time. He gets frustrated sitting for a while though. We play in the mirror, dance to Peter Gabriel, and try to pet our yellow lab. (He loves our dog and is SO fascinated with her now.) Loves his exersaucer as long as mommy is paying close attention to him.
Gotta be patient...

By Pixie on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 01:26 pm:

Each child is different and will do things at their own pace but I'll share my story.

My youngest DD cried alot. My doc. kept saying it was normal, I finally forced him to send me to a gastro specialist around 4 months (he though she might have CF so I cried for weeks until we got in to the specialist). Her bowels were mucusy* and she always had her belly out. She didn't weigh alot but her belly was huge. Anyhow we got in at 4 1/2 months and by 6 months she was diagnosed with food allergies and C.Diff a potentially dangerous intestinal bacteria. Anyways she at that point in time was 6 months and not sitting yet or crawling. (BTW I think 6 mo. is a bit young for crawling.) 2 weeks into her antibiotic for the C.Diff she was sitting bcz her bloating had gone down so much.

My point in my situation my DD hated being on her belly bcz she was in pain. She NEVER crawled. She scooted on her bottom. My regular doc. was never concerned. I finally switched docs. bcz of his lack of concern my DD wasn't even trying to walk at 11 mo. The new doc. said there should be some concern and we were enrolled in a group physical therapy program. Twice a week for two hours. There are some concerns for children who don't crawl (again I don't think you should be concerned yet) It does affect their mental developement. Like I said my DD never crawled but they did make her prove to them that she mentally could (i.e. a padded wedge with a snack or toy at the top she could not have scooted up the slope). She finally walked at 18 months old. and we completed 6 months of the P.T. program.

She still at nearly 4 is a bit physically behind. I think she doesn't have the strength that she should IMO. She doesn't climb well and sometimes two yos. zoom past her. She doesn't peddal well either. She did play soccer this year and will be starting dance and acrobatics soon. I think this will help.

I really dont think at 6 months you should be concerned. I thought most children are just sitting up at 6 months. I care for a child who is 5 1/2 months and hes not sitting up yet so I know he's not going to crawl in two weeks. He can roll over both ways. I hope I haven't caused you to worry to much but I do want people to know that sometimes in the longer run there are reasons to be concerned. Just watch him and go with your motherly instinct.

Feel free to email me I believe my email is on my profile. I learned alot going through that program with my daughter, little exersizes, development stages... I will try to help in any way I can.

P.S. Your ds is way to cute to be compared to Charlie Brown LOL!

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 02:32 pm:

My older dd didn't crawl on her hands and knees until she was a year old. My younger dd didn't crawl until she was 10 months old. Sarah crawled for months on her belly (army crawl) I can't remember when it started, though. Every kid is different and they all do things on their own timetable.

By Amecmom on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 02:49 pm:

My son never crawled. He sat. He pulled himself up and cruised. He just wasn't a crawler. He was also big with a big head.

My best advice is just enjoy him. He will do things when he's ready and not one day before.

By My2cuties on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 03:20 pm:

Both of my girls sat up at 5 months, crawled at 6 months and walked alone at 10 months. All babies are different but mine were just alike. weird! Anyway, to ditto everyone else try not to worry, and do enjoy the time that he is in one place. Soon he'll be chasing your dog all over the place. :)

By Marcia on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 04:21 pm:

Don't worry about it!!! One of mine didn't crawl until close to a year, one was about 15 months, and one was cruising at 6 months. She was the tiny one. They're all so different, and that's ok!!!
When people as if he's crawling, maybe you could say, "No, thank goodness, because then he'd be getting into everything!!" I sure didn't push mine, because I knew that once they started moving, they'd never stop!! :o)

By Emdee on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 06:10 pm:

My ped has us doing physical therapy with our dd at 10 months--not for crawling (which she wasn't doing, but b/c she couldn't go from a laying position to sitting all by herself. She didn't even roll over until 9-10months! After only a few visits and us knowing how to "encourage" her, she was crawling! Fast forward: she is 20 months and I would say pretty much caught up to kids her age. So worrying at 10 months was just worrying for us; she caught up. People mean well when asking those questions, but each child is just so different!

By Kayleesmommy on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 02:59 am:

My dd was born in June 2004 as well and right now she can sit alone and she can get up on all fours by herself from her tummy or from the sitting position. She hasn't quite started crawling but you can tell that she really wants to. She either does the arm movements or the leg movements but hasn't figured out that if she does it together she can go. Right now she just inches around.

By Feona on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 07:26 am:

Oh he is too adorable.

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 09:25 am:

Neither of my kids were crawling at 6 mos.. Heck, DS couldn't even sit up until 8 mos.. He was a big boy in the 95th%. He didn't crawl until he was about 10 or 11 mos.. He was a roller before then. LOL! Continue what you are doing and don't worry so much. It's too early to be concerned about crawling IMHO. Also, don't take people's questions so personally. Yesterday I asked DD's teacher if her baby (11 mos) was walking yet. I *know* many babies aren't walking at 11 mos. but it is possible, and I was just curious if her baby was walking and into mischief yet. Just making small talk, KWIM? (Gosh, I hope I didn't offend her.text description)

By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 09:56 am:

Thanks so much you guys...I know he shouldn't be crawling yet...I guess I just worry he won't.
Thanks, Pixie, for your response too. I have an aunt in Texas who is a development specialist, and she works with kids who are like yours. I just don't want to call her all of the time and bug her when I know she does this kind of stuff all day long.
She gave me notice though, when ds was born, that they need more tummy time. With SIDS being such a scare, babies are losing their upper arm strength since they're put on their back a lot, but she emphasized that babies need to crawl.
i guess i just got paranoid when more than 3 people asked me...
thanks guys are the BEST!
(and, yes, i think he's cute too...i'm a bit biased though!!!)

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 04:53 pm:

Sarah was 4 weeks early and didn't sit until 7-8 months, either. So, I really don't think she would have been crawling by 6 months. It was only that first year or so that she was a little bit behind, but she caught up quickly after that and you would never know it now.

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