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Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: I AM SOOO TIRED!
By Jelygu on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 02:17 am:

I posted a few days ago about my son getting up extremely early. Well now he has been waking up in the middle of the night and not going back to sleep. It is almost 1:30 and he will not sleep. He is so tired that he almost falls asleep in my arms, but as soon as I lie him down, he is wide awake.
I feel like a walking zombie. I haven't had a good night's sleep in 2 weeks it seems like. I am taking him to the dr in the morning to rule out an ear infection.
Please go to sleep!

By Trina~moderator on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 06:59 am:

I was thinking a possible ear infection as I read your post. Could also be teething. Hope everyone is sleeping better soon! {{{HUGS}}}

By Cutemom2002 on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 08:19 am:

I know what you all are feeling! My 2 1/2 year old DS gets up at least 3 times a night for choclate milk, then he is up for the day by 5:00 or 5:30 am! It doesnt help that my fiancee grinds his teeth and snores all night too! Any advice?

By Kaye on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 08:23 am:

My suggestion. Put the baby in bed with you. You will both get a lot more sleep.

By Cat on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 08:46 am:

{{{{{Jennifer}}}}} I remember my youngest going through a phase where he was doing just what you're describing! He'd get up at 1 or 2am and stay awake for a couple hours. Then he'd be up at 4:30 or 5 for the day. AND this was the child that would take about 4 20-minute cat naps throughout the day. I never got anything done! As for the getting up during the night--I'd definately have him checked for an ear infection or like Trina said, teething. We did that with Randy and the doc didn't find anything. He suggested giving him Benadryl at the time to "help him sleep". I didn't do it. I couldn't imaging drugging my baby just to get him to sleep! Like I said, it was a phase and did pass after a couple weeks. Kaye's suggestion is a good one, if you can do that. Hang in there. It won't last forever. I promise! :)

Jessica--tell your fiancee to get a bite for the tooth grinding (my kids do that) and roll him over when he's snoring or elbow him in the back! lol The things we put up with for those we love...

By Cutemom2002 on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 10:11 am:

LOL...thank you Cat. Trust me he gets elbowed and kicked!
Kaye- I do put my DS in bed with me sometimes and you are right I get an extra hour or two of sleep

By Jelygu on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 11:56 am:

Well, I think it is teething. I took a closer look at his gums, and it looks like 2 are coming in at once. I put orajel on his gums and he fell asleep around 2:30. Thankfully he slept until 7:30. (and my DH let me sleep till he had to get ready for work at 9:00)
The doctor's office is super busy today, so I am going to see how tonight is and maybe take him in the morning. They said they could fit him in, but we would probably wait for an hour or more.

He is acting fine today, not fussy like he feels bad. He only has two teeth, so I think he is making up for lost time by getting a few at a time... LOL.
Thanks for the advice.
Oh and Kaye, I would take him to bed with us but I can't right now. We are having to get rid of our dog because of aggression issues, and we haven't found a home yet. He stays outside all day, but at night he is in our room, and I would be afraid he would get jealous of Christopher in my bed and bite him.

By Dandjmom on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 12:24 pm:

Jessica- Your story minus the fiancee is picture to what I am dealign with, wtih my son. He's 1 its seems like its been aobtu a month or two now since he has been doing this,but you knwo how newborns have a piculiar sleep pattern,well itis like I have a newborn all over again. My boy gets up at least three times durign the night for a bottle once around 12:45pm, 2:30 adn finally at 3:40 and I have to gt up at 5:00 to drop him off to daycare , drop my daughter and make it to work by 6:30. I have ben late for work since the week before Christmas ( its usualy only 3to 20 minutes) but it's enough to get noticed( I do stay later in the afternoons to make up for my tardiness with out my boss asking me too, but in this office its not good enough.I do knwo that he is teething ( he's been doing that since he was 4 months) and only have 4 teeth completely in adn one coming through now, I rub oragel on his gums. But i started to wonder if he could be gettign to muc rest? I mean like me if I go to bed before 10 at night the next day I jsut feel drained. So my son was taking a nap when he came home form daycare around 5:30 until 7 adn at 11 he would go back to sleep only to wake up an hour later and want to talk for a while boefore he wnet back to sleep. So today i'm going to keep him awake when we get home my daughter and I are going to play with him to keep him up until his usual bedtime 11pm and hopefully this will tire him out and he will sleep longer if not all through the night. I don't knwo if your son takes late naps but if he does maybe this will work ( its at least a try)and check for the teething, does he like lying close to you(try giving him a security blanket to hold on too.I'll be looking to hear what happended, and prayign for you and I both that something will work sooner rather then later. Hope you get some much needed rest. Good Luck.

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 02:45 pm:

BTDT, When DD was about 10-11 months she woke up at 4:00 almost every morning, except on weekends where she would let Dad sleep in. It drove me crazy! Then, I met coffee....... :)

By Amyk on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 02:55 pm:

Hey there-

Check out the Baby Whisperer's website - either or Also, the baby whisperer for toddlers is a good book. The website has a great message board on sleep issues.



By Cutemom2002 on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 04:22 pm:

Thank you Dand. Although my son is addicted to he does love laying with me. He sleeps better when he is in bed with me. I think it is the not eatting thing I think that makes him wake up for bottles in the middle of the night? MY SON NEVER EATS!

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