Oh My Goodness!
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Oh My Goodness!
By Eve on Thursday, January 6, 2005 - 03:41 pm: | DD was trying to change the channel using the remote just now and ended up with a "snow" channel. She said "Dam* it!" I almost fell over!! I really don't swear too often, honest!
By Cat on Thursday, January 6, 2005 - 03:48 pm: | Oh, Eve. The end of innocence. We've all btdt. When Robin was 3 I was washing dishes and he climbed up on the counter next to me. He hit his head on the cabinets above and very clearly and articulatly said, "Ow, I hit my f***ing head!" I almost died! I said, "Excuse me?!?" He said, "uh, I hit my head?" I called dh at work (after I calmed down) and told him what *his* son (it's always his son when he's in trouble!) had said and he thought it was hilarious! NOT!!! I don't swear much either. Dh, on the other hand, well, he figures it's his house and he should be able to say whatever he wants. Those little ears hear everything...
I know exactly what you mean. Yesterday, I was at the grocery store and Kaleigh was sitting in the basket playing with my keys. She dropped them on the floor and said, "Oh sh*t!" really loud and clear!. I was so embarrassed. People around just started laughing, which only encouraged her to say it again. She definitely didn't learn it from me--it was that potty-mouth daddy of hers!
By Marcia on Thursday, January 6, 2005 - 05:08 pm: | Oh boy, my girls sure know how to use those words appropriately!! DH swears a lot more than I do, but I sure can't claim innocence!!! They're all old enough to not do it in public, which is good!!
By Tink on Thursday, January 6, 2005 - 05:28 pm: | I used to say "Sh**". When I heard my oldest dd, then about 3, say it when she was playing in her kitchen. I started muttering it under my breath when I would get frustrated and overheard her quietly saying it while banging her pots and pans together. Apparently, most of my swearing was happening while I cooked! Now, I very rarely swear and my kids all know that there are some words that grown-ups say that kids aren't allowed to use.
My X swears that Jules' first word was c**p, because her mom used to say it all the time. We all *slip* in front of the kids, and they all say something we would rather they not say. Madison said something Christmas night, which included the *F* word. Jules and I weren't sure at first if she really said it and I said *what did you say sweetie?* And she repeated it, no doubt about what she said. We had the discussion of why it was not a *good* word to use and gave her other options of words to use.
By Kay on Thursday, January 6, 2005 - 07:19 pm: | Eve, now you just know that you're a normal mom.
By Dawnk777 on Thursday, January 6, 2005 - 08:34 pm: | ROFL! I can't remember swear word stories, but I very clearly remember my oldest dd saying "fart" for the first time! DH and I about died laughing! She was about 2, I think, or just before 2.
By Eve on Thursday, January 6, 2005 - 08:45 pm: | Ok, I could cry! DD walked into her bedroom for bed and our dog was laying in her doll's bed and she said "Ok, what the h*ll is this?" Oh, my DH was none too pleased. At least it made him smile briefly. I'm certainly glad it's not just my child! LOL!
I'm glad I'm in good company on this one. Timmy's expanding his vocabulary at daycare and has told his teachers in more than one way where and what they can do. I've got to staple his daddy's tongue to the bottom of his mouth if this goes on.
By Kernkate on Friday, January 7, 2005 - 08:31 am: | Eve you are not alone on this one!!!I have BTDT with my 3 kids.
By Conni on Friday, January 7, 2005 - 09:29 am: | Eve, those are too funny! Well, most of my words slip out when I am driving. *blushing* Even worse, I recently flipped a guy off that cut us off and almost made us wreck. At the same time I was flipping him off I was saying 'What the He** is he thinking?' My oldest ds was in the front seat and he was bright red--saying 'Now MOM, you shouldnt do that!' LOL!!!! I do things like that on occassion and then afterwards I say in my June Cleaver voice 'Now kids, you know Mommy really shouldnt have done that. That wasnt the right way for me to handle that situation and I am sorry.' LOL Its embarrassing. Never EVER mess with a Mom in a minivan full of kids!! rofl
By Conni on Friday, January 7, 2005 - 09:57 am: | I do remember my ds coming home from preschool saying a**. He learned it from a friend. Lovely! Then, when I was teaching a preschool class one yr a litte girl was setting a pretend dinner table to her friend and I and she asked if I'd like BEER to drink (keep in mind this is at a church LOL). IT was hard not to say 'Sure, I'll have a MILLER LITE please' ...
By Lauram on Friday, January 7, 2005 - 10:36 am: | Oh- BTDT! DS #1 put his hands on his hips (just like dh), looked at the shower curtain and said, "God Dmit!" He was 18 mo. My 2 1/2 year old (I have myself to blame for this) is currently in a "FOr God sakes!" mode. It's a tough habit to break! He has perfect inflection too.