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Trust Your Mommy Sixth Sense ...

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Trust Your Mommy Sixth Sense ...
By Amecmom on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 - 04:54 pm:

Helen (who has turned into a little angel now that her reflux is under control) was fussy the day before yesterday and had trouble going to sleep last night and the night before. She kept shaking her head back and forth, but eventually went to sleep.

I was guessing ear infection, but she really didn't seem miserable enough. I thought her reflux could be bothering her.

But it kept nagging at me, so I called the doc's office and made an appt. to bring her in just after the office reopens after lunch.

About 10 minutes later the sky opens and it begins snowing really hard. That's when I checked and found out the schools were closed. Called the office back to get an earlier appt, but they were getting booked up. I decided to keep the after lunch appt. because I knew she'd get into an exam room right away and we'd have less germ magnet time in the waiting room.

She woke up this am with a smile, enjoyed her bottle, fell asleep. Woke up from her nap with a smile. Played in her bassinet for a while with no fussing... I called the office to cancel, but they'd already closed for lunch.

Of course, I went through the back and forth go or not... I finally decided to risk it and go. Sure enough she has an ear infection. If I'd waited until tomorrow, the weather would have been worse! I probably would not have been able to get to the doc's.

I'm so glad I trusted my mommy instinct and took her to the Doc. Always trust your instincts!

By Happynerdmom on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 - 05:01 pm:

I'm glad you got her to the doctor! I agree, always go with your instincts! BTW, my ds had a lot of ear infections as an infant, and the only way I knew he had an ear infection was that he would wake up at night crying. That's it! He never showed any of the "classic" symptoms... no fever, no tugging his ear, he wasn't even grumpy!

By Jelygu on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 - 06:36 pm:

My son also doesn't show many of the symptoms of ear infections, so I have to trust my gut instinct. He just wakes up crying. like you said Michelle, and an be a little fussy but that's all. Glad you followed your instinct!

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, January 5, 2005 - 06:45 pm:

Wow, it's a good thing you went to the doctor. Now, she can be on her way to feeling better.

On Friday, since my 12yo dd was still complaining of belly pain, after throwing up for hours on Thursday, something told me she had appendicitis and this time, I didn't blow it off. I'm so glad I took her to the doctor and that she had the surgery. I think this is related to all the other times she was throwing up this past year.

By Trina~moderator on Thursday, January 6, 2005 - 11:44 am:

I'm a true believer in listening to those Mommy instincts!

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