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Do you take your kids to daycare/playgroups/parks etc... when they are sick???

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2005: Do you take your kids to daycare/playgroups/parks etc... when they are sick???
By Boxzgrl on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 12:17 pm:

I think it's so rude! I took DD to playgroup earlier this week and I noticed a few moms running around wiping runny noses and covering coughing kids mouthes. I almost wondered if DD and I should skip it since there were 3-4 sick kids out of the 15-20 kids there but I stayed because she was enjoying herself. Needless to say, Friday night she was looking kind of feverish and her eyes were all glassy so I gave her some Tylenol before bed. The next morning she woke up with her eyes and goopy and closed shut. I took her to the after hours acute care and she was diagnosed with conjunctivitis and an upper respiratory infection. So i'm stuck giving her medicine 3 times a day and eye ointment 4 times a day and confining her to the house since its contagious all because of a few mothers who wouldnt keep their infected kids at home. My poor baby! I just hope shes better by time next weeks playgroup comes because she really loves to go but if not we'll do something fun at home. :(

So, as DD would say these days: "Bad Mommy" to all those mommys bringing their sick kids everywhere!

By Kellyj on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 01:07 pm:

I wish that people would keep their sick kids home too. My DD got conjunctivitis this week at daycare which forced me to stay home with her (which normally isn't a big deal but it's my last week working at my job and there's lots of loose ends to tie up.) So basically because someone else couldn't keep their kid home and miss their busy day, my whole family ended up with pink eye and both DH and I missed work. PLUS kids with stomach bugs came in and now poor DD is throwing up today. So it looks like DH will be staying home with her tomorrow.

I have to agree with your DD...Bad Mommies!!!

By Colette on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 01:28 pm:

Wait til they go to school....

You wouldn't believe the amount of kids that are sent sick.

By Vicki on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 01:53 pm:

Well, I guess you should define "sick" to me before I answer. A cough and a runny nose with no fever is just a cold. If kids stayed home from school for that, they would never be there!! My dd has had a cough for about 2 weeks now!! She has never ran a fever and I did take her to the dr and they gave her an antibiotic, but that little dry cough is still there. There is no way possible that she could miss that much school!! Now, would I send her if she had a fever or pink of course not!! But a little runny nose, cold and long as she feels fine she goes to school.

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 02:34 pm:

To me, sick is anything that is contagious. It's just not fair to others.

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 03:40 pm:

Well, when Emily was 1 and Sarah was 4, someone must have brought their chicken poxy kid to the daycare, because both of my children got it! LOL!

By Trina~moderator on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 04:02 pm:

Ditto Vicki. If I kept my kids home every time they coughed or had a slight cold they'd miss too much school. As in they'd have to repeat a grade for missing too many days. When they were real little or in preschool I kept them home any time they were sick because at that point it was no big deal to miss school or playgroups, but now that they're older it does make a difference. I keep them home if they have a fever or something contagious (more serious than a slight cold) or if they are miserable for whatever reason. A clear, runny nose is no big deal. Conjunctivitis is!

You also can't live in a bubble. There are precautions you can take, but the fact is, kids are going to get sick. It's part of growing up and it builds up the immune system. YES, some parents take their kids out or send them to school when they shouldn't. I'm not defending them. LOL! I've seen it as well, but you also need to be realistic. I've had to drag two sick kids with me into the drug store in the past. They needed prescriptions filled. DH was at work and I certainly wasn't going to leave them unsupervised in the van. There have been times when DS's asthma was flaring and I needed to go to the drugstore with the kids in tow. I've gotten nasty looks when he coughed, as if I shouldn't have him out. The truth is, it was an ASTHMA cough, not contagious and I needed to get asthma meds! OK, I'm rambling here but I think you get my point. LOL!

By Trina~moderator on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 04:03 pm:

Dawn, It's possible for chicken pox to be contagious before a parent even knows his/her child has it.

By Kellyj on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 04:21 pm:

Vicki and Trina I agree with you guys.
Melissa posted right after I had finished scrubbing vomit out of my couch and it was definitely a vent. My DD has clear runny nose what seems like constantly. I don't expect parents to keep their kids home for every little sneeze and cough. And I know that sometimes the kids are contagious before we parents even know it. But I do think that it is extremely inconsiderate when people send in kids that they know are sick with nasty illnesses.

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 04:43 pm:

Yeah, I know Trina. There probably isn't a good way to avoid it. I don't think the shot was quite available yet, or it was new and I was hesitant to get it. Doesn't matter now. They had it and it's over with. (Oct 1993 - Emily had it first. Sarah got it 2 weeks later, to the day!)

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 04:57 pm:

I'm not talking about instances where they need to go to school, or need to get an rx filled. I'm talking about playgroups, parks... places they don't *need* to be. Those are just places they go to have fun and why does a sick kid need to be running around playing anyways? They need to be home resting.

I certainly dont live in a bubble and will expect DD to get sick in school plenty of times, but playgroup. Come on! Its a time to "play", there is nothing they are missing out on or homework to make up when they are not there.

By Mommmie on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 05:05 pm:

I need to see a fever and/or throw-up before I'll let my son miss school. If his complaint doesn't meet that criteria, then it must be serious enough to go to the doctor or dentist.

When he was pre-school age, I also had diarrhea and pink eye on the criteria list. Since starting "real school" 5 years ago he hasn't had either. I would keep him home for those, too, I guess.

When my son was in public school, they rarely sent kids home for being sick. Lice wasn't even a ticket home. Attendance rates were a part of the school's ranking and they kept the kids no matter what.

I don't worry about other kids being sick too much. At my job, people keep working even if they are sick. I just wash my hands a lot. There are always going to be sick people around us. Sometimes getting out and about makes you feel better.

By Mommmie on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 05:08 pm:

Oh yeah, Boxzgirl, I see what you mean. Maybe the *mom* had a bit of cabin fever?? I wouldn't make my son go out and about if he didn't feel like it if it was just some fun little outing.

By Kaye on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 06:01 pm:

I try to keep my contagious child home, but honestly I dont' know when that is. Is a cold contagious, probably, but geesh with three kids that means we wouldn't of left the house this month. Also what starts out at a simple cough cold, easily can turn into more before i know it. Our school rules are kids have to have a temp higher than 100 to get sent home. So they want them there sick or not really! As for playgroups, you really don't know if these kids were contagious or not. Your child just as easily picked up something from the grocery store. Pink eye is highly contagious, but you also see it, you can't hide it. You would have noticed. I have taken my kids to the store with it, you need the meds, sometimes you just do what you have to. But let me clarify, I keep my sick kids home not for your sake, but for their sake, if they are already sick their immune system is way too busy to be exposed to some new virus, bacteria etc. That I try to keep them home.

As for chicken pox. We moved from tx to ohio on oct 7 (years ago). Well on oct 21 my dd gets up for school, gets dressed and I notice on her neck she has what looks to be an infected pimple of sorts. This struck me as strange, but kids, ya just never know. So I looked all over her, she had no other bumps or signs of anything, no temp, no runny nose, nothing. I sent her to school. She came home at noon. She was fine. She ate lunch. By two oclock she climbed in my lap and said, I dont' feel good, in the process of hugging me, her shirt lifted and i saw SPOTS...lots of them. So i had sent her to school at the very most contagious time! I have no idea where we got it, but we did spread it to EVERYONE! UGh!

By Kay on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 07:01 pm:

Our 'house rules' were similar to some of those listed: fever, vomiting, diarrhea.

Our kids are full of allergies like their dad, so I would literally have had to homeschool them if the criteria were runny noses and sneezing.

Now, I just have 2 of them calling long distance to be 'diagnosed' long distance from college. (Maybe they appreciate Mom's special care more, now that they're not so close to home? :))

By Missmudd on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 07:13 pm:

While at the grocery store yesterday my 4yo ds was talking w/ another child while waiting in line. The other child then coughed right in his face, didnt cover, nada. Looked at dh and said "well looks like another sick christmas".

5 days after giving birth the guys were hungry and I was kinda suffering from cabin fever. We went to Subway for some sandwiches. There was a little guy who was literally vomiting on the floor. We left after we saw it happen but I must have been exposed enough. I ended up w/ the worst flu I have had in years with a newborn trying to breastfeed when just the pressure of a 7 pound baby on my stomach made me throw up. I almost lost the chance to breastfeed him because I was so sick and dehydrated I almost lost my milk. I also ended up w/ mastitis, I think from the fever. As it was I had to suppliment w/ formula for almost 2 months before I could catch up to his needs. Gratefully Zach didnt get the bug, I must have passed on enough immunities to keep him well, if he had gotten it he would have ended up in the hospital. I'm still mad at that mom and it's been 4 years LOL. Sheesh....

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 08:24 pm:

Missmudd. Oh ick! Although, you never know when someone might throw up! I waited to long to eat breakfast once, when I was pregnant with Emily. I ended up throwing up on the way to the bathroom. Ugh. It was the only time I threw up with Emily, too.

By My2cuties on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 09:27 pm:

I don't take my children around other children when they are sick, and I expect to be treated with the same respect, although it does not always work that way. :( Last year Katelyn had pneumonia at Christmas and I do not want a repeat, so far so good, both girls are doing excellent and they gave my 18 month old a flu shot at her checkup the other day. Maybe that will do good...we'll see.

I do take them outside though (in our yard) if they want to go, I am a believer that the "cold air" does not make a child sick or worse, despite what my mother says...I think it is good for them to go out (bundled up, of course, if it is cold) :)

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 09:34 pm:

Ditto Candis. :)

By Tink on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 09:43 pm:

Melissa, one of my dds gets conjunctivitis everytime she gets a cold. It isn't contagious like bacterial conjunctivitis is but, if she has a cold, within 24 hours, I know her eyes will be yucky. My ds coughs from October through March. His private school required a note from his pediatrician stating he wasn't contagious because they wanted him to stay home. He feels fine and many kids with a cold feel fine and aren't contagious after the first 24 hours. I was very overprotective of my first but she missed 27 days of kindergarten because she hadn't been exposed to things before she started school. I would have rather dealt with it before school was even an issue. I don't purposefully take my children out when they will cause other children to get sick but it happens and they get better.

By Imamommyx4 on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:13 pm:

I don't knowingly send dd to play groups, McD's, parks, preschool, Sunday school or anywhere else when she is sick.
But there are times when it has happened. There have been times we have started out and she was cranky-no fever, no vomiting, no anything out of the ordinary except being cranky. She'd play and have a good time. Then we'd get home and we'd sit down and she'd crawl up in my lap and whoa and behold the young un would be running a fever. Sorry to all of those unsuspecting folks who got whatever she had.

As far as runny nose and coughing. DD has a clear runny nose most of the time which sometimes gives her a dry cough. She takes allergy meds but it doesn't completely alleviate it. Folks probably think I'm taking er out sick.

But I know what you mean. There is one McD's that I hate to go to. It seems like every time we go there someone in our group gets sick with something. There's always coughing,sniffling kids around. I know my dd's situation may be the same as some of them. But you just don't know. There are times my ds's friends would go to school with fevers b/c mom or dad didn't want to or didn't think they could take off from work.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 12:05 am:

Kids are sick, period.. And you don't know where DD picked up her symptoms. Any one that goes out or comes into your house, every store/place you go to are all carriers of germs and she is exposed. You can not prevent illness completely because you can't keep her in a bubble. So, the best thing for you to do is figure out how to treat her illnesses and not stress about them too much. She will get sick, that is a given.. And it isn't really the fault of anyone, surly not your own fault. I have had the flu and not known it until minutes before I threw up and I am grown. Felt fine and then BAM sick to my stomach. DD has allergies and has a runny nose as often as she doesn't and she also gets the yucky eyes and a slight cough. She is not contagious she is just allergic. I had to get a letter from her PED because I was getting phone calls about her having PINK eye from the school. Anyway, My rule is No fever, No vomiting, out the door you go... But I have also been at this a lot longer than you have.. LOL you will be amazed at what will change in your life as the years go on. It isn't fair that she is sick but those are the facts of childhood... And actually childhood illness isn't a bad thing, it helps strengthen your immune system and makes for a healthier adult.. Big hugs to you both...

By Feona on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 08:20 am:

I hear all the kids are sick in ds class. Of course he got sick too, then we got sick... Ahhhh....

Nothing you can do. I had a mom call me and ask if she could bring her son over. (He had been out sick all day). I said I was afraid of the germs. (Which I am)

Ds stays home sick if he feels hot or he acts lethargic or anything the doctor says is contageous.

I think he had a mild cold for a 2 weeks. He wasn't missing school for a mild cold.

I have been sick for about 2 and a half months this winter due to medication I was on. (Lowered my immune system) I never used to get sick before I had ds. (Well once a year for a week or so..)

By Kittycat_26 on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 08:45 am:

I'm in agreement with most here. I gotta see a fever and some vomit before Timmy stays home. My pediatrician agrees. Unless he is running a fever that lasts for several days, they usually don't want to see him unless I am uncomfortable with that.

Our daycare is very good about weeding out who is sick and should stay and who should go home. I've gotten called a couple of times to get Timmy. One of them was when his temp was 105. I'm not sure who was having a bigger scare the lady at daycare who was holding and rocking him when I picked him up or me when I felt him. He went down for a morning nap fine and woke up burning up. Even our pediatrician started jumping when they took his temp.

By Conni on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 09:02 am:

Ditto Viki and Trina... My doctor even recommends putting my children out there amongst the germs so they can build up a tolerance. (atleast to a point, common sense comes into play of course) They go to church classes, preschool class, a daycare at my gym, and many other places on a regular basis... My youngest pic's up germs at one or all of these places during this time of yr especially. I cant stay home all winter or I'd get nothing done and he wouldnt be building up his immune system.

If they have fever and are contagious no I dont take them. (ie: when two of them had the chicken pox i didnt leave my house for month) We have been out running around before and they came down with a fever... So it wasnt like I intentionally left the house knowing my kid had a fever. I have sent my kids to school before with no fever--but feeling a little yucky-- if they feel worse or come down with a fever at school then the school calls and I immediately pick them up. If I let the older ones stay home everytime they said they dont feel like going to school-- they'd never go. LOL They'd begin to take advantage of me and so they know they have to be pretty darn sick to miss school. In the 7th grade you miss one day and it takes 2-3 days to make up all the missed work... My preschooler had a ring worm 3 weeks ago, I kept him out of preschool for an entire week, but the doc and nurse said he didnt need to miss school at all.

Runny nose isnt sick, cough isnt sick. High FEVER and lethargic now thats sick. Green gunk coming out of nose, matted eyes, hacking cough that hurts, now thats sick...

My ds had a runny nose and cough (that has now lasted a week). We were suppose to drop him off at childcare (at our church lsat night) and go to an 'adults only' bible study group christmas party...We opted to take ds with us and not drop him off with all the kids/germs. We took him and he ended up feeling worse thru the night and just laying on dh shoulder. He had medicine before we left the house (which may have made him sleepy), and more medicine when we came home. I am taking him to the doctor today to get him on some antibiotics. But this isnt something that required an EMERGENCY room visit like a new Mom at the party kept telling us last night. UGH!! We were looking at her thinking-- lady a chopped off finger or a broken bone is for the ER-- a croopy,gunky, slight fever-y head does not require an ER visit. LOL! It's Mom's like that that make our insurance coverage go up. Running to the ER with a runny nose. grrrrr

You will find that after your dd gets past the infant/toddler/preschool yrs that she/other kids wont be sick nearly as often. My 5th grade ds and 7th grade are RARELY ill... But my preschooler still has that irritating runny nose from time to time. ;)

It'll be ok. :)

By Pamt on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 09:49 am:

I agree with most of the others that a runny nose and cough aren't sick enough to keep at home, even from fun stuff like playgroup. My oldest has allergies and a chronic clear runny nose, even on prescription meds. My youngest has a chronic cough---sometimes dry and hacking, sometimes productive sounding--from reflux, for which he also takes prescription meds. They might sound sick, but they aren't. However, even if they have a little cold life goes on.

At the therapy clinic where I work our rule for cancelling therapy is colored (yellow or green) nasal drainage; fever, vomiting, or diarrhea in past 24 hours; rash of unknown origin. If they have a doctor's note that the rash is not contagious then they can come. Kids with mild colds ARE allowed to come to therapy and this is even with some other kids in the waiting room with cardiac problems, preemie babies, and other immuno-compromised problems.

There is NO way to keep a child totally free from colds. It is just as likely that she got a cold from you touching a doorknob or holding onto an escalator rail and then touching her as it is that she got it at playgroup. She'll be okay, you'll be okay, and she'll get sick a lot more in the next couple of years and then you will notice it begin to decrease as Conni mentioned. Just use tissues, wash hands often, and do the best you can.

By Boxzgrl on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 10:49 am:

I guess I personally just think it's rude. I'm not in the school years age so I may change by then but I constantly change plans if she is sick and may sure everybody knows before coming over so they can opt not to come. The incubation period for a cold is 2-3 days and what do you know, DD caught a cold 2 days after playgroup. Sure, I *can* blame it on going to the store but which one sounds more likely? And it can take up to 5 days for a cold to not be contagious anymore, so besides playing in our front yard (without any other kids around) she hangs around the house with me. If we need to go to the store, DH goes on the way home from work. If we need to run errands, one of us will go in while the other stays in the car with DD. I've just always been taught that its common courtesy. Nobody can completely prevent a child from getting sick, and we sure cant diagnose it before symptoms show but I wont be the one exposing my child to others.


By Lauram on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:04 am:

I have to say I go with the rules of institutions (like day cares, schools and Pam's speech clinic). There is no way to keep your child germ free. Many illnesses are contagious BEFORE the child shows any symptoms. Children throw up. How do you know if that child threw up before? Certainly, if they had, they shouldn't have been there, but I certainly have had my kids vomit unexpectedly in public! You should see how many kids puke at school! Fevers, diarrhea, vomiting- they need to be home. I go to work when I'm sick! DS missed 11 days in K and gr 1. If I followed the cough/runny nose rule he would have missed most of the winter! Both of my kids have asthma and cough from fall- spring! I also firmly believe kids as young as toddlers need to develop immunities. SInce I work with kids- I rarely get sick because my immunities are so strong!

By Kate on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:11 am:

Melissa, I'm with you on this one. When my oldest was three we went to story hour. This little boy coughed and hacked and his nose ran and it was AWFUL. I should have left. A few days later it was my sister's wedding. I was matron of honor, my daughter was flower girl. We purposely left right after the church rehearsal on Friday, skipping the dinner, so that we could get her into bed early so she would be well rested for Saturday. The wedding was at 11:00 AM. Well she went to bed great on Friday night but around 10:00 she woke up and began coughing and she couldn't breathe. She was awake ALL NIGHT LONG tossing and turning and sneezing and coughing. It was the worst cold she has EVER had and it just HIT at the worst possible time. So, she and I were up allll night long and had to be in this wedding at 11:00 o'clock. It was awful. Her nose was BRIGHT red, she was exhausted, her eyes were a watery mess, she just wasn't her cutest! And this is a child who is incredibly vivacious and friendly and outgoing and normally would have totally been in her element being the point of so much attention. It was a wretched day for all of us and we had to skip out on the reception early, too, just to get her home. SO, in conclusion, I totally agree with you, Melissa, and to this day I harbor a grudge toward the inconsiderate woman who had no problem bringing her sneezing, coughing, germ spreading kid to a toddler storyhour.

And yes, I see the irony in exposing the entire wedding party and 200 guests to MY sneezing, coughing, germ spreading child....however, my daughter 'needed' to be at that wedding far more than the other kid 'needed' to be at storyhour. And for that matter, my daughter only walked up and down the aisle and spent the actual ceremony in the empty back entrance of the church with my husband (who had to give up HIS part in the wedding to take care of her back there) and she spent the reception in an empty room with my husband mostly, reading books and blowing her nose.

Okay, I'm done now. :) I just really have horrible memories of that day.

By Trina~moderator on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:22 am:

Melissa, calm down. We AGREE with you! LOL! Because our kids are older we're just sharing our experiences. I remember starting a post just like yours when DS (baby #1) was a toddler. :)

From my first response to this thread:
When they were real little or in preschool I kept them home any time they were sick because at that point it was no big deal to miss school or playgroups...
YES, some parents take their kids out or send them to school when they shouldn't. I'm not defending them. LOL! I've seen it as well...

By Boxzgrl on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:35 am:

Oh Trina, I wasn't mad. :) I just didnt want it to get overlooked that I was referring to toddlers and I didnt want the school-aged kids mothers to feel like I was talking down to them lol! It's too early here for me to be in a mood! :)

By Kittycat_26 on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:47 am:

Timmy is only 2 but he still doesn't get to stay home with colds and coughs. It's the down side to being the child of a WOHM. Do other kids get sick from his germs? Maybe, but then I think most parents who take their kids to daycare accept this, a play group is a bit different.

By Feona on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 12:09 pm:

Allergies can look like a cold. DS has allergies. Looks just like a cold.

By Feona on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 12:16 pm:

Asthma looks like a cold too.

By Eve on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 03:26 pm:

Funny you should ask....Syd threw up this morning, but it was just because she was congested. Then, she seemed to feel fine. Her cough went away. We had plans for a playdate today and I called my friend and she said "No problem, come on over." My other friend that was there had a slight cold too. It doesn't bother me if someone comes over that has a cold. I've come to realize that DD gets sick no matter what I try to keep her away from. I do always try to be considerate if I am going to someone's house though. As for preschool, DD's Ped. said to just send her if she just has a runny nose or cough. He said other kids may have it and just aren't showing symptoms yet. I guess I can't win! LOL!

By Kim on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 05:18 pm:

HAHAHAHAHA didn't read all the responses but oh yeah, people dose up their kids and send them ALL THE TIME. Then about four hours after they are there the tylenol wears off and the fever comes on again. I can usually tell just by looking at a child that he/she is going to be going early. I especially know when the parents say that they gave them tylenol earlier that morning.

YES, it is rude. It just makes it harder for the other kids and teachers too.

By Hillsmum on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - 12:47 am:

I agree with most of the posts I've read, it seems that my 5 yr old is allways coming home sick from Kindy. I'm allways seeing mums drop their kids off with runny noses and coughing etc. But I guess the decision to keep mine at Kindy is up to me, even though there are iresponsable mums out there which make it hard. If it's more than a sniffle I keep Drew with me as I need to think of her health and the health of other Kindy kids. I know we're all busy mums but we all should be responsable. I have noticed that once they leave Kindy for school the sickness' get less and far between. There is an end to that running nose LOL

By Pixie on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - 02:08 pm:

I agree with you Mellisa, when its Day Care or Schools its a completely different ball game it affects your job or your childs education. IMO it is ridiculous to take your sick children to a playgroup. Its PLAYTIME, extra curricular and I do agree that it is just plain rude - a cough and a sniffle in 3 yo. can be RSV that is passed to another child who has a infant sibling at home. RSV is a cold in older children and a very serious illness in infants and you cannot tell the difference without a test.

Also each childs immune system is different a simple cough/cold can settle into pneumonia or can be potentially life threatening to an athsmatic child.

Again ladies I agree the terms are different with school age children, but for playgroup I have to say have people should have a little respect for others.

By Amecmom on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - 02:35 pm:

And so, because of an allergy nose that looks to another mom like a cold, or a cough that sounds so bad, but is due to something other than a virus or bacteria, a child should miss being with other kids, although he or she presents no more risk than a kid who shows no sign of infection? I don't think so.

As a mom you don't really know if another kid is sick, unless you ask. Ultimately, you have the responsibility for the health of your child.

Use antibacterial wipes and wipe hands often, blow noses, make sure your child has good nutrition and adequate rest. If you think you've brought your child into a situation where he or she might get sick, then leave.

Will any of this work? No. Kids have immature immune systems. The only way to stop getting sick is by getting a whole bunch of illnesses first.

My son loves pre school. He get sick every two weeks or so. He brings nasty things like strep, RSV, URIs ... etc.home to my three month old daughter.

It's just the way life is. Obviously a kid with a serious illness will be home. Otherwise expect to see "sick" kids out and about.

It's something that has been hard for me to accept, but now that I have, I feel less angry and less like a victim of other "bad" mommies.


By Emdee on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - 04:10 pm:

This has been a debated topic! My 20 month old is sick all the time--to the point where an immunologist told us to keep her away from kids fro 3-6 months last summer. Needless to say, as soon as she was "exposed" again, she has been sick continuously. I hate it, but I don't think we can prevent it. I guess we have changed our outlook on when to keep her in b/c of this. Unless it is fever or something more than a cold (runny nose, cough), then we let her go anywhere we go (now I wouldn't let her go to playgroup if she was knowingly sick). I used to keep her away from cousins her age b/c I was so worried she would get them sick. I don't think she has ever passed something on to them (and she is sick almost everytime we get together). However, I bet she has gotten sick from them (them carrying germs and it not infecting them but since she is weak it affects her) numerous times. I guess my point is: kids may get sick from seemingly healthy kids, too. There is a fine line, IMHO, that is different for each parent/circumstance, on when to keep kids home. It is hard to judge others when you don't know their situation, and on the other hand it is so hard when you have a sick child and you can guess where they picked it up at! You want to blame that group/person--but if they didn't pick it up there, then chances are they will pick it up somewhere else.

By Kim on Tuesday, January 4, 2005 - 09:29 pm:

I don't have a problem with sick kids. Almost all of the kids in my class are coughing or dripping or have drippy noses from allergy. But when the child has a fever and the parents cover it up with tylenol so they can go to work it upsets me for the child, and the possibility that it is contagiouos for the other kids. Or when they have a rash that the parent couldn't have possibly missed while dressing the child that morning.

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