You know what feels wonderful?
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
You know what feels wonderful?
Hearing my 18 month old daughter tell me she loves me at bedtime. DH taught her last week and it's been so cute! And on a side note- the McDonalds commercial shes been copying is no longer "I'm lovin' it"... its "Ba ba ba ba ba... I love You!" Silly, huh?
I totally KWYM! Hearing the kids say "I Love You" is tops, especially when they sound exasperated... "Love you TOOOOO!" LOL
Absolutely not silly!!!! I still get tears in my eyes when my daughter says it and she's 2 1/2! These are the special moments that you will remember all your life! They are never silly!!!
Oh yes. That's the best. Every morning my son get out of the car for preschool, he says, " Bye bye mommy, I love You' It just makes my heart melt. The teacher who takes him out of the car also gets a little smile on her face.
I cannot wait to hear Rylee say this. It's definately something to cherish.
Yes it is a great feeling. My 18 yo DS who is at college still say I love you all the time. And my DD who is 4 is always saying mommy I love you so much. Just melts my heart.
I can't wait for Hailey to start talking in little sentences. That is too sweet.
Awww.. I can't wait for Chris to say "I love you". I'm sure it just makes your heart swell.
It does. I remember when my DH told me he loved me, I thought that was the most wonderful sound in the world. It is close...hearing your baby say it & then hearing them say it without you saying it first is awesome.