Picky baby eater
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
Picky baby eater
I have a question for those moms who have had picky baby eaters. My dd is almost 7 months old and she is so picky with food. My other 4 kids would eat anything when a baby and got picky later, but this one will not eat meat, or green veggies plain or mixed. She will eat oatmeal cereal with fruit only, or plain fruit, sometimes some sweet potatoes. She actually gags. I know that they say that you would present food at least 10 times before kids really can decide that they don't like something, but help! Thanks
I don't have any real advice except to say that my dd did not like baby food very well. She went to real food much earlier then my ds probably about 9 months. This is also a child though that would only drink about 4-6 oz of formula all the way through the first year. I know they probably say that you should not do that ect... But when they won't eat something and try something else and they will eat it. You go with what they will eat. I think your dd may be a little young for table food now. But just keep it in mind if your still struggling with this in a couple of months. Every dk is different.
My middle child just refused baby food altogether. Have you tried some finger foods, like cheerios, etc. I found that if i bought fresh green beans and cooked the heck out of them, the let them cool and cut up small, my guy would eat those, when he wouldn't touch baby food green beans. Those baby foods tend to be full of preservatives and what nots, try mashing your own food and see if that makes a difference. Start with bland stuff, try some different textures, see if any of that makes a difference. Also the other thing I could do to make my guy eat was pour lots of dry cereal into the food to give it bulk and he would eat that. Also those meats are just yucky smelling! Have you tried the mixed with fruit meats? I just didn't feed mine meat until they were good with finger foods. When my oldest was an infant the guideline for feeding was, 4 months cereal, 6 months veggies 8 months fruits and 10 months meat. We stuck to that with her and just had no issues. I tend to think if they are rejecting foods there is a reason, maybe her digestive system is ready for it, maybe there is a mild allergy etc.
I never fed either of mine baby food. At about six months I began throwing all our leftovers into the blender with a little water and making a puree that I put into icecube trays and froze for future use. When it was time to eat, I would defrost a cube of casserole or veggies or fruit (or a combination) and that is what they ate. I have no idea if this it is a coincidence or not, but both of my kids will eat whatever is put in front of them without a whimper of pickiness. All my friends love having them over because they eat so much better than their friends. It saved a lot of money too! Worth a try!
Great suggestions ladies. I'll give them a try and see what works.
My dd did the same thing *if* I warmed it up. She wanted her food room temperature. I don't know if that is the case here or the other way (only likes it warmed up) but it is worth a try, my cousins baby was the same way, one day her mom warmed up the food and Jade would not eat a bite and gagged on it, they had to wait until it was room temp. again, then she ate it. Just a suggestion, hope everything works out for you. Some babies perfer some foods to other (actually I think most babies do that), if she likes a particular kind try to find things that are similar, My dd loved Sweet potatoes too, so I gave her other veggies that were sweet to taste. Squash and Peas are good veggies to try.
Thanks I'll try warming food up more than I have. I finally got her to have some juice, but I had to warm it and take the edge off or else she wouldn't take it.