Question about viral infections
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
Question about viral infections
Brendan is still sick, I know with viral infections they just have to run thier course but should he STILL be running a temp of 103-104? I've got a call into his doctor but I wanted to see if anyone on here knew anything about it while I wait, I'm getting pretty worried about it. Thanks!
I think it is always best to call the Dr (which you have done) but that being said, viral infections can last for days!! Is the fever his only symptom?
If it is viral all the antibiotics in the world will do nothing at all. How long has the little guy been sick? How sick does he act? If he has been running a fever w/ ibuprophen and or tylenol and it has been w/ little or no relief I would side with taking him in to the dr at the first available appt. If it is an up and down thing, sometimes running hot sometimes not I would just wait and see. Also I would gauge it on whether the little guy is totally miserable or not, if he is still putting around the house doing some of his normal activities I wouldn't worry too much. If he is a total couch potato or crying unconsolably, I would worry about an ear infection or bronchial infection and would take him in. And in the end trust your instincts, you should never fault yourself on erring on the side of caution.
Vicki - He's not being his normal self by any means, he's playing in spurts and just keeps saying he doesn't feel good. Missmudd - The fever started on Sunday night, as soon as the motrin wears off he's burning up again. The doctor just called (now keep in mind this is a NEW doctor for us and I'm still not sure how much I like her really...) and she said she's going to call in an antibotic and if he's not better by tomorrow to bring him back in to be rechecked. So now I'm back at wondering if what we're doing is right? I think if he's not better by tomorrrow I WILL be taking him in but not to her.
AAAHHHGGG..... Oh I hate your ped already. Antibiotics should *never never never ever never* be prescribed w/out a clear idea of what they are being used for. Ohh I could just freak out! If their is no reason to take them they actually do more harm than good. You may have heard about antibiotics no longer being as effective as they used to be, this is one of the primary reasons why. If you are not treating an actual bacterial infection you supress the immune system, make any bugs that you are exposed to resistant, they are some studies that show that repeated courses of antibiotics make children more prone to asthma, just dont get me started.
Here I go again lol, another thought, even if there is something that needs to be treated by antibiotics less than 24 hours is not going to be enough time for them to take effect. So really your ped is just brushing you off. I would go ahead and wait til tomorrow, and if little guy is still not feeling better than call and make an appt. I would not fill the antibiotics, even if the little guy does end up needing it you are only starting 18 hours later than if you had started today. Call me kinda crazy (and after these posts you may believe that ) but I think sometimes it is just better to do pallitive care, keeping little guy comfy and let him fight it off himself.
Thanks, you just justified exactly what I was thinking... If it IS a viral infection then that antibotics isn't going to a thing for him so I'm not getting them filled. I think I may just take him for a second opinion tomorrow if the fever is still present. I knew she was just brushing me off because I knew they wouldn't be working in that amount of time. I should have followed my "gut" when I went into that place the first time.
Yeap. Antibiotics, if they are needed really need 48-72 hours to start being effective. 24 hours would not be nearly enough.
Thanks everyone, I'm going with my gut and if his fever is still here in the morning we're going to another doctor. I didn't pick up the antibotics prescription because I just don't think that's what needs to be done. About 45 minutes before he went to bed it was 102.6, I gave him some Motrin and he's asleep now but still feels warm to the touch.
Bless your heart I know it can be so frustrating (and so many other emotions) when your children are sick, I hope everything will be better soon. ((((hugs)))) And don't forget to let us know how things go tomorrow. BTW, how long has he had the fever?
He's been running this since Sunday night.
The only thing to keep in mind is that virus's can lead to secondary infections that DO require a antibiotic. Just like the common cold (which is a virus) can turn into a URI and so on. I am guessing that your Dr is assuming that is what happened since the fever has been going on for so long. I also do believe in the fact that we can over use antibiotics, but I don't think that happens by taking them once or twice a year! I hope that he feels better soon!!