Already potty trained but problems
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
Already potty trained but problems
I couldn't decide whether to add to another thread or start another potty thread. So as not to take away from someone else's issues. I started a new one. Problem: my 45 month old dd who has been potty trained for a year has decided to start urinating in her panties again. About 2 months ago she did it 5 times in 2 days and usually right after I'd asked her if she needed to go potty with a denial. I was worried about urinary infections and asked all the pertinent questions. With the answers being negative I asked her calmly if she was a big girl or baby. And she told me a big girl. I told her then that if she were a big girl she would not pee pee in her panties. So if she did it again like a baby, I would figure she was a baby and put her back in diapers. It stopped until yesterday. She's done it 4 times in 2 days. We talk about it and she just says that she doesn't know why she does it. Tonight we were going to make a milkshake and I told her to go potty and wash her hands. I went in the bathroom while she was washing her hands and asked her if she'd done the potty. She lied (and I haven't caught her in a lie before) and said she'd done it. So off we go to make a milkshake and right in the middle I smell urine. I told her if I need to take her to the dr I will. She says she's fine. No pain, no fever, not frequent, not smelly, etc. And she says she doesn't know why. I'm just frustrated that at almost 4 I'm dealing potty clothes again. I don't want to belittle her for it. I'm just not sure if there is something else I should be doing or am missing. Any suggestions?
By Juli4 on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 10:00 pm: | I am right there with you My daughter is almost teh same age and started having accisents at night. It was like 8 nights in s row and I told her that she cannot have any more and if she needs to go potty then tell me and I will help her. So if she wakes up we have to carry her sit her on the potty and make sure the lights are not on and then carry her back to ebd adn tuck her in. She is afraid of the dark so I thought that maybee she just didn't want to get up. I don't know. I am not sure why she did it or what exactly solved it but it has been good for a while now. She just seems to go through these spurts that she wets the bed but only at night.
By Dana on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 10:58 am: | No insight for you, but I would still put a call into the dr. I'm sure they have seen this over and over and may have more helpful hints for you. Plus they could check for any other problems related to bedwetting or going unexpectedly. Two of my sisters kids (1 boy, 1 girl) had bladder control issues well into their teen years. It was nothing they could control, but had to wait for their bladder to grow. The oldest out grew it a few years ago. As of last year, her girl was still wetting the bed in her teenage years (HEAVY sleeper!)
By My2cuties on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 11:00 pm: | I may not be of much help, but my dd started doing the same thing at the beginning of the summer and I called the doctor. My dd's doctor said that if it was not hurting then she was probably just "busy" doing kid stuff and I needed to keep reminding her, which it sounds like you have done. Maybe try explaining to her that things can wait and will still be there when she finishes going potty (like with the milkshakes). Good Luck, I know these things can be so frustrating.
For the past 2 days dh and I have been pretty diligent in telling her to go potty about every 3 hours need to or not and especially after any large volume of drink. No accidents. But I was getting really frustrated. At one point we went to Toys R Us to get a birthday gift for a party that we were headed for. I told her that we were going potty before we left the store. She said she wanted to wait until she got to the party, but I headed for the bathroom anyway. Stopped almost there to play with a car/train on a wooden track thing and she stood there and pottied in her panties. I wanted to spank her and have a fit. But I gritted my teeth, bought a pair of jeans and pack of panties and went into the bathroom and changed her. And we talked about it. One good thing did come out of the Toys R Us event. They have slim fitting jeans which fit my dd so well. So many of the 4T things she has are perfect length but way too big in the waist that I either have to take them up or wear a belt. BTW bedwetting has not been an issue. I don't think she has wet the bed in a year or more. So far so good on that arena.
By Kaye on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 10:48 pm: | Sounds to me like she has a spastic bladder issue. I would put a call into the doc and let them do the work up. Really it isn't normal for potty trained kids to have issues unless something is going on. Did you move, new babies, death etc. If you cannot find an emotional reason, change, then you really need to rule out a physical issue. Children do regress, but typically it is closer to two weeks to a month, NOT a year later.