5 in Feb.
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
5 in Feb.
My dss will be 5 in Feb. I had a baby in March. My dss is still wetting the bed. We cut off drinks a couple of hours before bed, and make him go potty several times. It is just about everynight. His mom doesnt want to reprimand him for it, and I understand that,(she thinks it is because of the baby.) My oldest ss has to wear diapers because he is disabled. His sister(who is 6) is a yr older than him and has never had the problem. I hope eventually he will grow out of it. What do yall think? Do any of you have this problem?
Yes! My son is seven and still wets the bed. I talked to the doctor about it and she even ran some tests, but everything was normal. She said if it's a problem where he won't go on sleepovers and such we can put him on medication, but at this point we were both inclined just to wait until he outgrows it. Some kids bladders just take a little longer to mature. I definitely would not reprimand him. It's out of his control.
We had this issue with my son. The important thing to know is has he always wet the bed, or has he been dry for a year or so and then started wetting again. If he has always wet the bed, then he will outgrow it, it is really probably out of his control. BUT if he has been dry and then started having accidents then you need to see the doc. The first thing our doc said was to cut out the 4 c's, citrus, caffenie, carbonation and chocolate. Then we did a 48 hour intake/outtake log...fun fun! then the ran a spectrum of tests. Also for us we have no drinks after about 6:30. I was amazed and when we really started paying attention just how much he was drinking and how many of the C's he was having. Just those things alone really helped my son, it didn't do away with the problem, but it made the accidents less and less.
I can speak from experience I wet the bed until I was 12. They did tons of tests on me and came to the conclusion that I played so hard during the day when I slept at night I slept so hard it didn't wake me up. They said to cut out drinks 2 hours b4 bed and to wake me up between 12am - 1am every night to get my bosdy use to getting up and pretty soon it was a habit of my own and I got up on my own.
Two of my children had this problem, and with the youngest, we went to a urologist. She gave my dd a prescription nasal spray that was absolutely wonderful! It was DDAVP, I believe. She could take it to sleepovers, use it and if asked about it, she would say it was for her allergies.
My ds is going to be 4 in November and wets the bed. He will wet it for a while, and then there will be a short stretch where he stays dry then he wakes up with a wet bed again. We don't give him anything to drink after dinner, but he still wets the bed. He has actually had these accidents about every day for the past week. I'm so sick of washing his sheets! I am actually putting him in pull-ups during our vacation. How gross would it be for him to pee in the hotel bed...that would just be rude to the other customers. He knows that he isn't supposed to pee in the bed, and seems to wake up either while he is going or right afterwards because he comes to my room at 2:00 a.m. to tell me he had an accident and that he needs help changing. I will try waking him up either right before I go to bed or maybe around 1 a.m. to make him try to go. Maybe that will get him to learn to wake up on his own and go.
I think that since he is just 5 years old, that he may have an excellent chance of outgrowing it. Lots of kids have accidents all through childhood. Maybe take him into the doctor for a check-up and mention it. But, I'm sure they will say that it is normal. And, yes, lots of times new babies can cause older kids to do things they normally wouldn't.