DD is so smart!
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
DD is so smart!
I'm putting together a scrapbook for DD and part of it will include all the words she has said up to 18 months (we still have a few months, she 16 months now). I was writing down words as I remembered them and then looked online to see what the norm was for her age. At 18 months most toddlers know about 20 words.... but my smarty pants knows 29! Well, I think I wrote all the words she knows. So here they are if your interested, im just in a bragging mood..... Mama, Mommy (her first word, woo-hoo) Dada, Daddy Bye Bye No No Thank You There you Go Tree Light Birdie Kitty Doggy Yum Yum, Yummy BaBa Pee Pee Huh? Bath Ouch Hot Toy Car Fishy Eew! Moon Night-Night Belly Eye All Done Ball Baby .... thats all for now. Its just so amazing how much shes grown and learned!
Can she say all those words? My dd is 17 months and only says mama, dada, uh-oh, and ba (for ball, bath). She can say animal sounds, but not other words. I have always thought she was behind in her speech, but now I am really thinking that! Congrats on your dd saying so much--I bet that is neat going back and thinking about all she knows.
WTG Kaitlyn! Emdee my ds didn't have the speech down at that age either, now at 31 months you can't get him to stop talking. He was just observing what was going on around him, I would not be concerned. Just read to her often & when she wants something like a drink, repeat several times before you give it to her what it is. Encourage her to repeat it.
Wow! What a little chatterbox! My dd is 18 months and she is beginning to go through a vocabulary explosion. In the last 2 weeks she has started saying things like yellow, purple, tree, book, ball, water, nigh nigh (for night night), uh oh. She said mama, dada, see ya, there ya go, kitty, all done, hi and buh pie (aka bye bye) around 16 or 17 months. Lately, we've been working on animal sounds and recognition. She loves to roar like a lion and hoot like an owl. I know what you mean about it amazing you! Sometimes I am just stunned at how much dd learns. Little things like how I put my watch on. I was shocked when she picked it up and tried to put it on her wrist. And the first time she used a fork for her entire meal I couldn't stop staring! LOL.
Congrats to Kaitlyn! Aren't little kids so smart? My oldest DD was speaking very well by 18 months. My other 2 were a little slower with the speech thing.
That's super! My DD was a chatterbox too. It must be a girl thing. LOL!
WAY TO GO KAITLYN!!!!! I can't wait until Rylee starts talking. She says MaMa,DaDa, Du(Duck), Gee(Doggy), Nigh Nigh(Night Niight). I guess that that is pretty good for a 10 month old. I am so proud of your little girl Melissa. Watching her go through all of these stages is so much fun. I wish that we lived close to eachother so our little girls could play together.
wow does kaitlyn have any older suiblings?. I noticed that my daughter says a lot more than teh first one did just because she has teh older one around to learn and interact with.
She has no older siblings, just a Mom whos determined, LOL! I work a lot with her speech because i'd like to raise her knowing a bit of Spanish too since CA and the rest of America seems to be more bilingual these days.