Daycare and illness question
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Daycare and illness question
I started my externship back in July, Brendan's been in daycare/preschool since June. He's been sick NONSTOP. He's continously on antibotics, and can't seem to shake this persistant cough that he has. We're back on our way to the doctor tomorrow because he's ran a fever all weekend long. The odd thing is the kids at the school never appear to be sick, I don't even see the sniffles when I'm there. I expected to go through this to some degree but I just feel so bad for my baby, he just isn't himself ever here lately and is alwys just miserable. Anyone been through this? How long does it take for his immune system to "toughen up". I give him a children's vitamin every mornign and we are very good about washing hands, etc... Is there anything else I could be doing? TIA... ps.. he's 3 and a half years old.
By Tink on Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 10:06 pm: | I hear this all the time and as soon as my dks started school, they were the same way. It took about 6 months for it all to settle down. One of the reasons that the other kids don't appear sick might be that they have already been exposed to all of these germs and so they are carrying them but not affected by them. It is so hard to see our kids sick, especially when we feel like we are the cause of their exposure. One thing that might make you feel better is that my oldest didn't go to daycare or preschool (I planned on homeschooling), and she missed over 3 weeks of school in Kindergarten because she was suddenly exposed to all kinds of germs. I didn't mind my ds going to school earlier because then he wasn't missing "real school" and all the learning that he needed there. If you are being careful to wash hands and give vitamins, I'm not sure there is much else that you can do. Eve just posted a similar question and got some ideas. You might look at her thread. {{{Christy and Brenden}}}
By Feona on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 07:43 am: | Non stop since June? I would check with the doctor.... June July August September... 4 months. My nephews teeth got ruined from too much antibodics. They are baby teeth though. What does the doctor say? We get sick alot but not non stop for 4 months. Not continuous antibodics...
By Kaye on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 08:27 am: | Christi, I beleive you are in houston, correct? If so maybe your son has very mild asthma, with our air quality kids tend to have that alot. If so antibiotics won't help. I would take him back to the doc and just say, he has had this cough for 4 months, what else can we do, I am frustrated by him NOT getting better. If your ped won't do anything different, or doesn't seem concerned, then it might be worth seeing another dr, just to be sure.
By Lauram on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 08:54 am: | I think it's odd that you don't notice other kids that are sick. That makes me think asthma too. Also, the summer months tend to be much better as far as colds go. I hate to say it, but the immunity thing took us years to get through. HOPEFULLY we are done now! (Ds's are 7 and 2 1/2).
By Emdee on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 09:02 am: | My dd did this--she is 17 months old. I had her in daycare at most 20 hours a week, and we were always missing at least one day every week or every other. And she didn't even start going until about 10 months old. Anyway, we were finally referred to an allergist/immunologist to see what was wrong. All kinds of tests were run and the conclusion was her immune system was just behind. He said to take her away from kids for 6 months--no daycare, no church nursery, etc--and see if that helps. She is a different baby!!! It may be worth it to take a trip to a specialist just to see what they have to say! I know it is frustrating seeing them sick; I am sorry you are going through this.
Thanks everyone, we have a 1:30 appointment with a doctor that I saw growing up and really takes his time and will talk to me about everything. He woke up this morning with that horrible cough rattling in his chest and a fever still. Kaye - what part of Texas are you in? Houston? Well I'm off to get us ready, I'll post an update when I get home.
By Mommmie on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 10:52 am: | My son started FT daycare at age 22 months and it took 8 months before the illnesses settled down. He was sick enough during that time to be hospitalized with pneumonia for a couple of days and get ear tubes and adnoids removed. I never thought the other kids looked sick either, but I asked and the teachers said, yes, other kids were sick, too. This daycare started at age 18 months so a lot of kids were new to the scene. My son (now 9) hasn't been sick in years.
I have to say my first thought was asthma as well. My DS was sick often and prone to croup when he was younger. Turns out it was actually misdiagnosed asthma. Since learning his triggers and allergies, taking precautions to avoid them and putting him on an asthma action plan he has been much healthier. Just a possibility. Let us know what your doctor says.
By Kaye on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 12:57 pm: | Christy, yes I live in Houston, The clearlake are actually. Texannie is also from here, but I think the northside.
By Debbie on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 02:16 pm: | My ds was sick a lot last year too. He too had a cough that didn't seem to go away. He was finally diagnosed with allergies/asthma back in April. We are now aware of his triggers and he is using a preventative inhaler. He has only been sick once since he started his asthma action plan. My first thought also was asthma. It may be something you want to check out with his doctor. Also, both my ds's were sick a lot the first six months that they started school.
By Vicki on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 02:23 pm: | I too would think about at least allergies. We have a little neighbor girl that had a cough that lasted for weeks. I mean a terrible sounding cough like she was a life long smoker!! Turns out she has allergies and takes a daily does of Claritin and the cough is gone!!
By Kim on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 04:38 pm: | It takes one year for a child or worker to build up immunity from illnesses that go around a daycare. We always tell parents that the first year may be hard in that way. I was sick A LOT the first year. Now I never get sick.
By Nicosmom on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 11:46 pm: | I went through the same thing with Nico. He always seemed sick. Now he might get the sniffles for a day and it will go away.
By Feona on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 06:46 am: | We just got a new medicine for allergy symptoms and asthma for my son. I have to look up the name for you. Starts with a S. Brand new.
By Feona on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 06:52 am: | singulair good for allergy or asthma...
By Feona on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 06:56 am: | See how they seperately market it for asthma and allergy? So it is good for one or the other. You don't have to have asthma and allergy. But the medicine works for both. The doctor was very excited about this medicine because it treats both problmes. asthma and allergy...
Thank you all for all the suggestions and for letting me know I'm not alone in this. It's just been so frustrating. I did ask the doctor how long I should expect to go through this and he said it could be a year to eighteen months of his immune system just not being as "tough" to fight everything you can get at daycare. I'm definatly going to be asking about allergies if we end up back anytime soon. Kaye - I LOVE the Clear Lake area, I grew up in Deer Park but now live in the SW area near the Galleria. We plan to buy a home in either Deer Park or Clear Lake when we finally are able to get one.
By Eve on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 09:30 am: | I feel for you! We've been going through this too. Sydney has been sick a lot! This last time she had a cold, everyone in school was sick too. I wish I had some advice for you! Everyone just says it takes time for them to build up immunities. I know, not much help when they are running a fever! What did the Dr. say when they gave you antibiotics? Was it bacterial? With DD, she has had no anitbiotics. They said that's it's viral. Good luck with the allergy testing. I definately can't hurt. +~+~Healthy Vibes+~+ coming your way!
By Kaye on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 09:32 am: | This is actually our second time to live here. My hubby drives quite a bit, but when we moved back we looked at other locations, but couldn't find anything comparable. We love the masterplanned communities here.