I have u/s photos!
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
I have u/s photos!
I saw a heartbeat! I well up each time I think of it - what an amazing little flutter! I've attached my ultrasound photos from this afternoon - and you'll notice that there are two pictures. The top is the "sac" in which I saw the heartbeat (the little dot is the fetus on the right side of the black thing), the bottom photo is another "sac" (the banana shaped thing in the middle) and it may be/have been a twin, but it's too early to tell at this stage. I will go back in a couple of weeks for another ultrasound which will tell us more. Operation Wee One Jill EDD #1: 5/17/05
I will never know how the doctors can tell what is what on an ultra sound this early. It is so much easier later in the pregnancy. Congrats!
How cool! I know a couple who has a family website, and they have a *Pictures of Baby* section where they've posted every U/S photo, and newborn photo, all the way to current - the baby is 6 months old now! I LOVE looking at that stuff!
That's wonderful news, Jill! I know how scary and uncertain it can all seem. Seeing a heartbeat is a wonderful and perfect sign! Congratulations! (It gets better from here on out too.)
Congratulations! May is a wonderful month to have a baby. It's warm out but not to warm, stays lighter out later, etc. My dd was born on May 15.
CNGRATULATINS Jill. That first U/S is the best. I remember when I was pregnant with Rylee seeing that little heart beat for the first time. It made it all feel so real. I am so happy for you. Please keep us updated throughout your pregnancy.
Thats great news!! Best of luck through out your pregnancy and keep us updated.
Congrats!! It's exciting isn't it?!? My EDD is May 15th. I can't wait until I can see/hear the heartbeat. I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!!
Jill I just read my post again & I am sorry if it sounded insensitive, I didn't mean it that way. I love looking at ultra sound pictures & just sometimes have a hard time telling what is what. Keep us updated on how you are doing. Personally I love being pregnant.
How exciting, contrats!
Don't worry, Emily - I didn't take it that way at all. I completely agree with you actually. He's suggesting the u/s because of the bleeding and cramping I had last week... and because of the possibility of a twin. We want to see if that second sac is growing and viable.
Congratulations Jill... I saw you are in Hampton Roads? What part? I live in Va Beach.
Hey Jackie - we're in Chesapeake.