Getting my 10 week old to sleep "mostly" through the night...
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
Getting my 10 week old to sleep "mostly" through the night...
Wrong computer has been messing up...Feona??? It's supposed to read "Kamikaze Fish" mistake... This is the second beta fish that has literally JUMPED out of the bowl!! I have these beta fish in 2 separate bowls, hanging on my wall in the dining room and every time I get a red beta, they go kamikaze on me!! I was watching the Ellen show a few weeks ago and I heard a splash and then THUD! Looked over and my fish was on the floor! (It's a good 5 1/2 foot drop!) I put that one back in but it died about 2 weeks later. We got a new one about a month ago and I go to feed it and it's gone! It wasn't even on the floor! I thought my dog ate it, but I called my DH at work and he said he thought it was a leaf so he threw it away in the trash. Poor fishy fishy...