Oldest dd got glasses (she's 12)
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
Oldest dd got glasses (she's 12)
I took her to the eye dr. because she was squinting. She's near sighted, just like me She doesn't want to wear them, but I know she needs them, they're almost as strong as mine! She picked them out and they really look good on her. But, of course, she does not think so... I told her when she gets a little older, she can get contacts. She looks all grown up in her glasses
I completely understand. My dd got them last year, the last week of school. She was 7! She is nearsighted just like me, too. She looks just like me, and the dr. said she must have gotten my eyes, too! hehe! Poor thing. I had to get glasses in kindergarten and my eyesight is terrible. Without glasses, I would probably be considered legally blind. I can't even make out shapes. She looks adorable in hers. They are pink Barbie frames. She is taking such good care of them, and wears them at school with no problem. I'm shocked because she is so scatterbrained! And you are so right....they do look all grown up in their glasses I hate seeing my babies grow up!
That's great that she will now be able to really see! Hopefully she will get used to how she looks in them soon. It may just take a few people giving her positive reactions the first time they see her in them.
My dd is nearsighted and got glasses at 8 y/o I think. The dr told us to get her contacts fairly young because her eyes were getting a lot worse every time we went for a check up. Dr said it would slow the degeneration because the lens is right on the eye. I was worried about it because she is a slob. But, I didn't want her eyes to get worse! She was either 11 or 12 when I got her the contacts....NO PROBLEMS and her eyes stats are staying right where they should be. Just sharing my experience. I know how 12 y/o girls can be with glasses.
I got glasses at 5. My daughters got glasses at 10. They take good care of them and wear them religiously! I can see pretty well without my glasses. I wouldn't want to go without them for that long, though, and I certainly couldn't drive without them. I could make it around a swimming pool or water park without them. My girlfriend and her husband always wear their glasses when we swim, since they are very blind without theirs. I had no problems wearing my glasses at 12 or any other age! I really could see better with them on, so just wore them. My kids are now 15 and 12 and can see better with their glasses on, too, so they just wear them.
Adena, I'm blind as a bat! The worse thing is I can see better in her glasses than mine. I believe it's time for a checkup but I don't have vision insurance and can not afford the $250 I feel the same way Melanie, I had her checked at 9, and I knew she was squinting last year, didn't think nothing of it. I was shocked to see the strength in her prescription. Kim, thanks for the advice. I was going to wait until she was 14! The dr. told me to give her a year in glasses and then switch to contacts so that she gets used to them. Rachel's really good at taking care of 'her stuff.' But I had contacts years ago, and sometimes they were more of a pain than glasses. Dawn, my eyes went down hill after about 25, I sat at a computer screen constantly at it really did a lot of damage to my eyes. The dr. warned me about too much computer use.
I'm worn glasses since I was 5 or 6. I've always hated wearing them. I've also worn contacts on and off since then. I got my first ones at 14, but I know kids who started wearing them at 9. I'd give the contacts a shot. You can get the daily ones, and it won't matter if they get torn since you use a new pair each day. I'd love to have surgery at this point because not only am I nearsighted, I can't see close up either now. I've got bifocal glasses AND contacts, but the bifocal contacts just aren't that great.
Oh - forgot to say what I initially intended to say! Jen's 19 and just got glasses. She's been needing them for years, and opted to try contacts when she was around 14. She was lazy and wouldn't stick with the routine, and gave up on it. She just got her glasses this summer and was worried that she *looked ugly* with them. I've noticed she doesn't wear them unless she's driving or something, but I think it doesn't matter what age you are when you have to get glasses, NO one likes having to wear them.
LOL, even though Kris is a slob she takes care of her contacts very well. I asked her how come those never get lost.....she said "Because they are my EYEBALLS!"
My sis got glasses at 3 and contacts at 9 for the same reason as Kim's dd. Her eyes changed some when she went through puberty and the Dr. said that many people start wearing glasses then because the body goes through so many changes then. My sister has terrible vision, she is legally blind without her contacts but also like Kim's dd she is SSOOOO careful with them because she knows how much she depends on them. I have a fairly mild case of nearsightedness and wear my glasses religiously because I LOVE them. I have funky black and blue frames and they are really distinctive. I learned to enjoy them rather than hate them all the time.
I have been wearing glasses daily, since sometime in my kindergarten school year. They are just part of my life. The surgery's just too expensive. Contacts have always looked like way too much work. I just keep on wearing my glasses!
I know its hard to see our babies in glasses. At the age of 4 my daughter got glasses..We took her to the eye dr as she had one eye turning in(Lazy eye), after an extensive eye exam, they found out she had farsightedness, we had no idea she couldnt see close up...She never complained. She has to wear them all the time, and shes pretty good about it.Although we did go through 3 pairs ina yrs time, ..They do get expensive, and she is rough, so I try to take them from her, if Iknow shes going to a play area,..
My oldest son got glasses last year at age 9. They said he could have contacts after he had worn his glasses for a few months. Our insurance only pays for one exam a year, so we are getting contacts as soon as the new calendar year starts. I had no clue he was nearsighted. DH and I both have better than 20/20 vision, so I was clueless about buying glasses and contacts I'll be even less help. I did read the other day that contacts can actually improve the unaided vision of nearsighted children over time.
I had the lazy eye thing and did have to wear a patch for a bit when I was kid. I hated it! LOL!
Kids with sight problems do not have a basis of comparison. Some think seeing fuzzy is the way everyone sees. Took dd to the eye doctor last spring because she couldn't read the board at school. She needed glasses. On the way home with her with her new glasses she looked at the trees and said "Wow, I can see the leaves. It's not just a green blob anymore". I felt like I gave my dd the gift of sight!!! She wears hers all of the time because she can see better. She wants contacts and we are thinking about them for her. She looks adorable in her frames. On the other hand, ds tried on dd's glasses and stated that he could finally see better. I took him to the doc and he has better than 20/20 vision. He was disapointed he couldn't wear glasses.
my dd age 10 just got glasses last month. She is just mildly nearsighted, so she only needs them to see the board and overhead. Well the doc said it was really up to us to get them or not, because she was just -.50 in each eye and the correction probably wouldn't make enough difference for her to need them. Well we had money put away for that stuff so we went ahead and got them, she loves them, she loves being able to see anything. kids are funny!