Rylee almost...
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2004:
Rylee almost...
took her first step last night. She can hold onto things and let go and stand by herself now. She tried to lift up her foot and move it forward last night, but she fell. I am in no huury for her to start walking, but I thought that it was neat for her to try.
It is fun to watch them go through the different stages. She is what 9 months old? Going to be an early walker.
Wow, shes learning quickly! I dont thinking walking keeps you on your toes quite as much as when they learn to climb though!! I'm constantly finding DD either on the kitchen table or in the bathroom sink! I cant wait to see Rylee walking pics!
Wow! Mine didn't walk till they were about 13 months old. It is fun to watch them go through the stages, though!
How exciting! I keep waiting for Christopher to attempt it, he's getting pretty brave!