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For ALL mommies with only one child---if you're stressed---

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: For ALL mommies with only one child---if you're stressed---
By Mommierenee on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 07:34 pm:

If you plan to have more children, EVERYTHING will be easier with the second, third, etc...
Things that you fretted over for a week, you won't even think twice about with the next baby, and it gets easier the more children you have! Now, keeping up with more than one can be harder at times, esp. when you get past 2 (ie. you only have TWO eyes, TWO hands, etc...), but it kind of balances out since you won't be changing the baby's diaper every 2 hours like you did the 1st, you won't be as paranoid about sterilizing the bottles 3 times a day like the first one, and the 3 second rule for dropping things multiplies with each child (like it's a 6 second rule for 2 children, 12 seconds with3 children & by the time you have more than that, you let them eat anything they want off the floor! LOL)

Ypu'll also have the carseat thing down so that you can do all of them with your eyes closed! It won't take you as long to buckle them all in as it does for you to get your one baby buckled in now!

Just a lighthearted thought for any stressed out first time moms!!! :)

By Amecmom on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 07:45 pm:

Thanks for the thoughts. With baby 2 due in September, it's nice to know that it won't be as tough as it was the first time around.

By Emily7 on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 09:51 pm:

For me my second has been a lot easier. We have not had any trips to the ER or Doctor visits that were not needed. I told my dh that she has made me a better Mom because I am more at ease.

By Tink on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 09:59 pm:

My second was an easier adjustment but one difficulty I had was with two was figuring out how to prioritize each child's needs right at that moment. I felt like someone needed me every moment. Once I figured that out, I had such an easier time. There were several times when I felt like a triage nurse. Who needs what and which need is most pressing? Diaper change for this one before feeding that one, nap for this one before cleaning up with that one. Definitely learn to pick your battles. Not everything is a big deal.

By Children03 on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 07:58 am:

Well little things do get easier, you don't worry so much, but the stress of three children is still harder than one child. I remember having one child and just throwing them in the car and going anywhere, now with three little ones, I barely go anywhere alone. It takes me all morning just to get us fed, bathed, and dressed and out the door and then into the car seats. Ugghh tiring. I am not trying to be discouraging, but I wouldn't say Everything is easier. :)

By Tink on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 11:27 am:

CERTAINLY not easier in general! I think it's just an easier adjustment. I had gone from thinking about just me and dh to always thinking about my dd first. I was used to doing for another person first by the time my 2nd came along. I had also learned to multitask and take advantage of her naptimes, happy times and bedtimes to get things done rather than expecting her to adapt to me. That became even more important after my next one. I think 3 is especially difficult because even you and dh together are outnumbered now. I loved it when I would say "You take him and I've got her" and off we'd go. Now there is always someone else to keep an eye on. I also rarely take all 3 with me anywhere other than the park. Too much work! I'd rather wait till dh gets home so he can keep an eye on, at least, 2, and 3 means I get to go to the grocery store all by myself!! Yippee

By Mommierenee on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 11:34 am:

Wow! I'm glad to hear these stories! For me it is so much easier! The three of them keep each other occupied. My middle daughter naturally keeps an eye on the little one (I don't ask her to-that's not fair for a 3 year old), and just parenting in general has become much easier & more natural for me! Now going to the grocery store is a little more tricky. I have to go to the store with those carts that carry 2 kids (not the race car ones) and have the little one in the cart seat. If I go to the other store, I have to wait till my husband is home with them.

There's never a time that they are all napping at the same time anymore, but if the baby is napping, the other 2 will watch tv or read books quietly, so I do get a moment;s peace! LOL

BUT, I don't run to the emergency room for every bump or scrape or fever anymore! That ensure's me a few nights sleep!! :)

By Monicamomof3 on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 12:22 pm:

I agree! Although, I think every child is a different type of challenge. For me the challenge of only one is is less tolerable than the challenge of having 3 children. With three, I am spread just a little thinner and my house is quite a bit messier! (anyone identify?) The adjustment of going from 2-3 has been a piece of cake. I sort of feel like going from 1-2 is a lot more work and going from 2-3 is just a little more work. It still hasn't slowed us down. We just went camping a few weekends ago and in 2 wks we are going to florida and then on the 20th we are gong to California! Children are a wonderful challenge no matter how many you have! For the first time moms: IT ONLY GETS BETTER! Especially when you watch you oldest loving on your younger! How divine!

By Boxzgrl on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 05:35 pm:

Darn, I didn't want to hear that! I was cleaning out DDs clothes yesterday and came upon her baby cap from the hospital. I'm really craving another child but I need to make sure I really am ready before I tell DH. He's been ready for a while!!! So, thanks for the "help"! LOL!

By Melana on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 05:34 pm:

DO IT! lol, I'm working on my second, and I really can't wait, and all this made me feel much better about it, as I was worried about copping(sp?) with two.

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 08:32 pm:

Meghanne, how old is your youngest? I really am thinking about trying but can't tell DH yet. I have to think "smartly"! Good Luck with you TTC.

By Melana on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 09:27 pm:

My youngest is ten months old! This wasn't a "planned" pregnancy, but I'm happy about it yet.

By Emily7 on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 09:44 pm:

Melissa mine are 22 months apart, its not that bad. I love seeing them together he is so loving & gentle with her. He can sometimes get a little jealous, but thats when I know we need time together, just us.

By Melana on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 10:08 pm:

Melissa, was your dd born while your DH was away in Iraq? I ask cause my Dh will probably be deployed like a month before this baby is due, and I just wanted to know how you handled it.

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