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Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive January-June 2004: Postpartum
By Momaroze on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 04:11 pm:

Can anyone who has experienced postpartum give me some insight on how they felt. I feel like I have been going through some major mood swings lately. How long did it take for you to get back to yourself. I was on medication but it was not helpful. Is this something that will go away with time once your hormone levels get back to normal. It's been about 7 months since my ds was born. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.

By Amyj on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 04:25 pm:

My postpartum blues were very short with my first born. I'm not sure how long it lasted with my second,because she was born Strep B positive and we were dealing with alot during her first two weeks. I can tell you about a friend of mine who had severe postpartum depression with her second. Her mood swings and depression got worse when the baby was about 4 months old. She tried several medications before she found one that worked for her. Her youngest is now three and she contiues the medication. She believes that she may have been suffering from mild depression before children and has choosen to remain on the medication for now. I would continue to talk to your doctor and also look into a support group in your area. Our town has a support group that meets on a regular basis, as well as provides moms to talk to on an ongoing basis. I don't know if that helps at all, but I will be thinkiing of you and hope you can find the support and help you need. P.S. don't be afraid to talk to other people (husband, friends, family... )about this. Too many women remain silent when we could all be supporting each other!

By Coopaveryben on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 04:34 pm:

My DS was born in August and I remember still going through it in March/April. For me, Breast Feeding made me feel a lot worse. When I was feeding him I would feel extremely lonely and just that sadness you feel in the pit of your stomach, if that even makes sense. I didn't realize I was going through it at the time but I guess I was very anxious, emotional, and emotionally distant. I only went through it with my middle son but I felt like it took more effort than usual to bond with him and of course that made me feel worse.

It just kind of faded away, when I stopped breast feeding I started feeling better.

By Momaroze on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 04:58 pm:

Thanks. Emotional and anxious is how I have been feeling. Everything is bothering me. Even stuff from the past. Support group is a great idea, just to get out with other mom's will be a big help. I just do not want to retry medication for this and am hopeful this streak I'm going through will slowly disappear. One day I feel great and the next not so. Even though I do know this won't last forever it's still very helpful and reassuring to hear others experiences. I just started exercising again, but one day I'm into it and the next I'm not. This is sort of how my days go....I know exercise will help to, I just need to push myself harder. Thanks!!

By Natesmom on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 06:26 pm:

I had bad postpartum depression. It actually reallly happened when my son was around 6 months. I had a break down. It is very important to address these things to your doc cause it can get so serious. I would get into therapy or check out local hospitals alot of times they have support groups for postpartum moms. Also get a break whenever you can.

By Emily7 on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 06:37 pm:

I agree with what has been said. It is very important that you address the issues that you are having. Don't put unfair expectations on yourself. Counseling helped me with my pastpartum, meds did not help at all. They made me tired, I didn't always hear my ds when here cried at night, not fun!

By Amecmom on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 07:19 pm:

For me it was like being underwater and not being able to know which way was up, let alone which way was out. I felt like I had no peace, nothing to call my own and I really resented my baby, who was just the sweetest boy, but who suffered from reflux (undaignosed until he was two months old) and refused to sleep at all during the day and slept very little at night.
I also broke my thumb when he was about 2 weeks old, which didn't make things any easier.

I refused to admit that I was in a depression, but I was. Violent mood swings, terrible anger or terrific joy - no in between, hair-trigger temper, I'd over react to everything. I was tired all the time, but I just couldn't sleep. I was too wound up. The house was a disaster. I didn't shower every day or really dress nicely. When I finally fell asleep, the baby would wake me, so I began to be unable to fall asleep because I knew he'd just get me up again.

I did not seek help, but I wish I had. I actually checked two books out of the library, which were journals of women who suffered from PPD. These helped me tremendously - to know I wasn't alone and that this wasn't all in my head.

I also got some help with the baby. My husband forced me to get a sitter to come in a few afternoons a week for a few hours. It was during this time that I was able to start doing things for me again. I also joined a gym with childcare, which was very helpful.

My PPD lasted almost a year. It was around month 7 that I admitted this was not normal and that I wanted it to change. Around then I checked out the books. Month 9 I got some childcare help. Slowly, the PPD lifted, but it took quite a while.

Knowing what I knowo now, I would have sought professional help sooner. I'm also very worried about what will happen when Spetember comes and my daughter is born. Will I handle it better becasue I know what to expect, or will it be worse, because it usually is with the second child? I don't know, but I don't intend to go through it alone, as I did last time.


By Children03 on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 08:36 pm:

I had Postpartum with all three of my children (the third one was worse). I didn't take any medicine for it. I found that I just felt real sad for no apparent reason and I would begin crying. I found that being around other people really helped me get through it a lot. I also found that just getting out of the house for a couple of hours was helpful too. It finally passed after a couple of weeks and I felt normal again. I felt like mine was just because of all of the stress of just having a baby and then feeling so overwhelmed about being a mother. I know that talking about it helped me so if you need to talk, please feel free to e-mail me. :) I do think that if you go for more than a couple of weeks feeling this way and can't seem to get over it, I would discuss it with your doctor.

By Dana on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 09:19 pm:

Here is a link. I had two fantastic links in my favorites, but both have been changed. I think the one I am listing is the same but under a new link

Here is another.

I didn't find the exact info I was looking for. It gave very descriptive information. I'll keep looking.

By Dana on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 09:23 pm:

Here's another link. Its a quiz

By Lauram on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 - 12:53 pm:

I had it with both, but my second one was the worst. I had the moderate version I think. I never saught help, because I couldnt "get it together" to get myself to the dr (very unlike me). Once I finally recongized that I had a problem, it was pretty much resolved. Rest really helped and having someone help me with the baby so I could sleep (he screamed constantly and I never could slepp). I also had some of the risk factors- infertility and a seriously ill newboarn (with both). I felt detachment, saddness, lack of motivation, and I also had these "daymares" (those were the scariest). I would imagine - in the middle of the day- bad things happening to the baby (like falling out of my arms, falling out of a window, etc...). Very scary stuff. I would say, if you feel you have it, get help right away. My OBGYN did the worst thing I think. WHen I called and said I think I had it, they referred me to a psychiatrist. I think I should have been seen first- and then maybe I would have taken more action. I just wasnt' able to do it though. BTW- I'm fine now. It went away when they were about 4 mo.

By Momaroze on Wednesday, June 9, 2004 - 09:03 am:

Thanks everyone. This has been so helpful. I hear that mom's with babies who cry alot are more at risk for post partum. Mine does!! I seem to be feeling better, getting out of the house helps. I still have to find more outside contacts though. Thank-you all!

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